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Andre Daniel Paredes edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Chicago Neighborhood Soccer


There's more to pick-up soccer than meets the eye. Even unstructured play requires organization.

Chicago Neighborhood (NBHD) Soccer is a homegrown, grassroots organization founded and driven by local pick-up soccer players. We celebrate Chicago's pick-up soccer players and give back to our local communities.

Table of Contents

⭐️ Mission

Our mission is to provide an accessible and inclusive community driven by a common love of the game. Together, we provide the best pick-up soccer in the neighborhood by organizing communities and uniting players from different walks of life.

⭐️ Vision

To help people, local neighborhoods, and other soccer groups. Our vision is to be the best community-driven pickup soccer group in Chicago.

⭐️ Values

We believe pickup soccer should belong to the community of amazing Chicago players and fans, and that includes everyone, regardless of race, age, and gender.

We value inclusion

  • Pick-up soccer is a game for everyone, regardless of skill or background. Everyone belongs and can play.
  • Inclusive games create a welcoming and friendly environment where everyone is encouraged to participate and contribute

We value collaboration

  • Pick-up soccer games require players to work together and communicate effectively
  • Collaboration helps to build strong relationships and teamwork that extend beyond the pitch

We value community-building

  • Pick-up soccer games bring individuals together to form a tight-knit community.
  • Pickup soccer provides opportunities for players to come together and create a sense of community and contribute freely and openly toward a public good

We value impact through innovation

  • Pick-up soccer and innovation can both be seen as spontaneous, collaborative, and adaptive processes
  • Through innovation, we will develop new ideas that will be flexible and creative in their approach to find unique and impactful solutions

⭐️ How to Get Involved

Join the community of local pickup soccer players!

Everyone can be part of the pick-up community and be a contributor.

  • Fill out the Chicago Neighborhood Soccer Community Contributor Signup to let us know you want to get involved.
  • Join the community on
  • Play pickup soccer with the community on meetup
  • Learn GitHub, follow our roadmap, and submit a pull request. Every contribution is meaningful, that includes fixing typos. We want to grant leadership opportunities to the community to help on discord, GitHub, and in the pick-up soccer scene.

⭐️ More Resources

  • Community Code of Conduct
  • Work in progress - FAQs
  • Work in progress - Chicago Neighborhood Soccer - Github Pages
  • Work in progress - Chicago Pick-up Soccer Aggregator
  • Work in progress - Chicago Pick-up Soccer Fund
  • Work in progress - Community Calls
  • Work in progress - The Discourse Community Platform Guide
  • Work in progress - Roadmap
  • Work in progress - Sponsors

⭐️ People

Chicago Neighborhood soccer is maintained by pick-up players in the local Chicago neighborhood. Join the discord to talk to the community and ask to get involved as a player, contributor, maintainer, or even admin.