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Add a scale widget.
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manthey committed Mar 21, 2018
1 parent 1603fe3 commit 1f08e5c
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Showing 7 changed files with 592 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ui/index.js
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
* @namespace geo.gui
module.exports = {
colorLegendWidget: require('./colorLegendWidget'),
domWidget: require('./domWidget'),
legendWidget: require('./legendWidget'),
colorLegendWidget: require('./colorLegendWidget'),
scaleWidget: require('./scaleWidget'),
sliderWidget: require('./sliderWidget'),
svgWidget: require('./svgWidget'),
uiLayer: require('./uiLayer'),
Expand Down
353 changes: 353 additions & 0 deletions src/ui/scaleWidget.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
var $ = require('jquery');
var inherit = require('../inherit');
var svgWidget = require('./svgWidget');
var registerWidget = require('../registry').registerWidget;


* Scale widget specification.
* @typedef {object} geo.gui.scaleWidget.spec
* @param {number} [scale=1] A scale applied to the map gcs units to convert to
* the scale units.
* @param {number} [maxWidth=200] The maximum width of the scale in pixels.
* For horizontal scales (orientation is `top` or `bottom`) this is the
* maximum length of the scale bar. For vertical scales, this is the width
* available for the scale text.
* @param {number} [maxHeight] The maximum height of the scale in pixels.
* For vertical scales (orientation is `left` or `right`) this is the
* maximum length of the scale bar. For horizontal scales, this is the
* height available for the scale text. Default is 200 for vertical scales,
* 20 for horizontal scales.
* @param {string} [orientation='bottom'] One of `left`, `right`, `top`, or
* `bottom`. The scale text is placed in that location relative to the scale
* bar.
* @param {number} [strokeWidth=2] The width of the ticks and scale bar in
* pixels.
* @param {number} [tickLength=10] The length of the end ticks in pixels.
* @param {string|geo.gui.scaleWidget.unit[]} [units='si'] One of either 'si'
* or 'miles' or an array of units in ascending order. See the `UnitsTable`
* for examples.
* @param {Function} [distance] The function used to compute the length of the
* scale bar. This defaults to `transform.sphericalDistance` for all maps
* except those with a gcs of `'+proj=longlat +axis=enu'`, where
* `math.sqrt(util.distance2dSquared(pt1, pt2))` is used instead.

* Scale widget unit specification.
* @typedef {object} geo.gui.scaleWidget.unit
* @param {string} unit Display name for the unit.
* @param {number} scale Scale for 1 unit in the current system.
* @param {number} [minimum=1] Minimum value where this applies after scaling.
* This can be used to handle singular and plural words (e.g., `[{units:
* 'meter', scale: 1}, {units: 'meters', scale: 1, minimum: 1.5}]`)
* @param {number} [basis=10] The basis for the multiples value.
* @param {object[]} [multiples] A list of objects in ascending value order that
* determine what round values are displayed.
* @param {number} multiples.multiple The value that is selected for display.
* @param {number} multiples.digit The number of significant digits in
* `mutliple`.

* Create a new instance of class geo.gui.scaleWidget.
* @class
* @alias geo.gui.scaleWidget
* @extends {geo.gui.svgWidget}
* @param {geo.gui.scaleWidget.spec} arg
* @returns {geo.gui.scaleWidget}
var scaleWidget = function (arg) {
'use strict';
if (!(this instanceof scaleWidget)) {
return new scaleWidget(arg);
}, arg);

var geo_event = require('../event');
var transform = require('../transform');
var util = require('../util');
var d3 = require('../d3/d3Renderer').d3;

var m_this = this,
s_exit = this._exit,
m_options = $.extend({}, {
scale: 1,
maxWidth: 200,
maxHeight: arg.orientation === 'left' || arg.orientation === 'right' ? 200 : 20,
orientation: 'bottom',
strokeWidth: 2,
tickLength: 10,
units: 'si',
distance: function (pt1, pt2, gcs) {
if (gcs === '+proj=longlat +axis=enu') {
return Math.sqrt(util.distance2dSquared(pt1, pt2));
/* We can use either the spherical distance or the Vincenty distance
* here in much the same way.
return transform.vincentyDistance(pt1, pt2, gcs).distance;
return transform.sphericalDistance(pt1, pt2, gcs);
}, arg);

* Initialize the scale widget.
* @returns {this}
this._init = function () {
width: m_options.maxWidth,
height: m_options.maxHeight
// Update the scale on pan
m_this.geoOn(geo_event.pan, m_this._update);
return m_this;

* Clean up after the widget.
this._exit = function () {
m_this.geoOff(geo_event.pan, m_this._update);

* Return true if the scale is vertically oriented.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the scale is vertical, `false` if horizontal.
this._vertical = function () {
return m_options.orientation === 'left' || m_options.orientation === 'right';

* Given a maximum value, return a value that is no larger than it but at a
* round number of a set of units.
* @param {number} maxValue The maximum value to return. The returned value
* will never be smaller than 3/5 of this value.
* @param {number} pixels A number that is scaled by the ratio of the
* returned value to `maxValue`.
* @param {string|geo.gui.scaleWidget.unit[]} [units] The units to use. If
* not specified, the instance's option units value is used.
* @returns {object} An object with `html`, `value`, and `pixels` values
* representing the calculated value.
this._scaleValue = function (maxValue, pixels, units) {
units = (scaleWidget.unitsTable[units] || units ||
scaleWidget.unitsTable[m_options.units] || m_options.units);
var multiples = [
{multiple: 1, digits: 1},
{multiple: 1.5, digits: 2},
{multiple: 2, digits: 1},
{multiple: 3, digits: 1},
{multiple: 5, digits: 1},
{multiple: 8, digits: 1}];
var unit = units[0],
multiple, power, value;
units.forEach(function (unitEntry) {
if (maxValue >= unitEntry.scale * (unitEntry.minimum || 1)) {
unit = unitEntry;
power = Math.floor(Math.log(maxValue / unit.scale) / Math.log(unit.basis || 10));
multiples = unit.multiples || multiples;
multiples.forEach(function (mul) {
var mulValue = unit.scale * mul.multiple * Math.pow(10, power);
if (mulValue <= maxValue) {
multiple = mul;
value = mulValue;
return {
html: (multiple.multiple * Math.pow(10, power)).toFixed(
Math.max(0, -power + multiple.digits - 1)) + ' ' + unit.unit,
value: value,
pixels: value / maxValue * pixels,
power: power,
multiple: multiple,
unitRecord: unit,
originalValue: maxValue,
originalPixels: pixels

* Create and draw the scale based on the current display distance at the
* location of the scale.
this._render = function () {
var svg =,
map = m_this.layer().map(),
width = m_options.maxWidth,
height = m_options.maxHeight,
sw = m_options.strokeWidth,
sw2 = sw * 0.5,
tl = m_options.tickLength,
vert = m_this._vertical(),
pixels, pt1, pt2, dist, value, pts;

pixels = (vert ? m_options.maxHeight : m_options.maxWidth) - sw;
/* Calculate the distance that the maximum length scale bar can occupy at
* the location that the scale bar will be drawn. */
// svg.attr({width: width, height: height});
pt1 = $(svg[0][0]).offset();
pt1 = {
x: pt1.left + (m_options.orientation === 'left' ? width - sw2 : sw2),
y: + (m_options.orientation === 'top' ? height - sw2 : sw2)
pt2 = {x: pt1.x + (vert ? 0 : pixels), y: pt1.y + (vert ? pixels : 0)};
dist = m_options.distance(map.displayToGcs(pt1, null), map.displayToGcs(pt2, null), map.gcs()) * m_options.scale;
if (dist <= 0 || !isFinite(dist)) {
console.warn('The distance calculated for the scale is invalid: ' + dist);
value = m_this._scaleValue(dist, pixels);
if (vert) {
height = value.pixels + sw;
} else {
width = value.pixels + sw;
svg.attr({width: width, height: height});
if ('polyline').empty()) {
svg.append('polyline').classed('geojs-scale-widget-bar', true).attr({
fill: 'none',
'stroke-width': sw
if ('text').empty()) {
svg.append('text').classed('geojs-scale-widget-text', true);
switch (m_options.orientation) {
case 'bottom':
pts = [[sw2, tl], [sw2, sw2], [width - sw2, sw2], [width - sw2, tl]];'text').attr({
x: width / 2,
y: sw * 2,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'alignment-baseline': 'hanging'
case 'top':
pts = [[sw2, height - tl], [sw2, height - sw2], [width - sw2, height - sw2], [width - sw2, height - tl]];'text').attr({
x: width / 2,
y: height - sw * 2,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'alignment-baseline': 'baseline'
case 'left':
pts = [[width - tl, sw2], [width - sw2, sw2], [width - sw2, height - sw2], [width - tl, height - sw2]];'text').attr({
x: width - sw * 2,
y: height / 2,
'text-anchor': 'end',
'alignment-baseline': 'middle'
case 'right':
pts = [[tl, sw2], [sw2, sw2], [sw2, height - sw2], [tl, height - sw2]];'text').attr({
x: sw * 2,
y: height / 2,
'text-anchor': 'start',
'alignment-baseline': 'middle'
}'polyline').attr('points', (pt) { return pt.join(','); }).join(' '));'text').html(value.html);

* Update the widget upon panning.
this._update = function () {

* Set or get options.
* @param {string|object} [arg1] If `undefined`, return the options object.
* If a string, either set or return the option of that name. If an
* object, update the options with the object's values.
* @param {object} [arg2] If `arg1` is a string and this is defined, set
* the option to this value.
* @returns {object|this} If options are set, return the annotation,
* otherwise return the requested option or the set of options.
this.options = function (arg1, arg2) {
if (arg1 === undefined) {
var result = $.extend({}, m_options);
result.position = m_this.position(undefined, true);
return result;
if (typeof arg1 === 'string' && arg2 === undefined) {
return arg1 === 'position' ? m_this.position(undefined, true) : m_options[arg1];
if (arg2 === undefined) {
m_options = $.extend(true, m_options, arg1);
} else {
m_options[arg1] = arg2;
if (arg1.position || arg1 === 'position') {
m_this.position(arg1.position || arg2);
return m_this;

inherit(scaleWidget, svgWidget);

/* The unitsTable has predefined unit sets. Each entry is an array that must
* be in ascending order. */
scaleWidget.unitsTable = {
si: [
{unit: 'nm', scale: 1e-9},
{unit: '&mu;m', scale: 1e-6},
{unit: 'mm', scale: 0.001},
{unit: 'm', scale: 1},
{unit: 'km', scale: 1000}
miles: [
{unit: 'in', scale: 0.0254}, // applies to < 1 in
/* By specifying inches a second time, the first entry will apply to
* values less than 1 inch, and those will be rounded by powers of 10
* using the default rules. This entry will round values differently,
* so one will see 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 6, 9 rather than the default which would
* be 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10. */
unit: 'in',
scale: 0.0254,
basis: 12,
multiples: [
{multiple: 1, digits: 1},
{multiple: 1.5, digits: 2},
{multiple: 2, digits: 1},
{multiple: 3, digits: 1},
{multiple: 6, digits: 1},
{multiple: 9, digits: 1}
{unit: 'ft', scale: 0.3048},
{unit: 'mi', scale: 1609.344}

registerWidget('dom', 'scale', scaleWidget);
module.exports = scaleWidget;
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/ui/scaleWidget.styl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
stroke black
font-weight bold
font-size 16px
font-family serif

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