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Installation on Mac OS

Jonathan Beezley edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 1 revision

Getting GeoNotebook running on Mac OS requires installing some extra dependencies. We recommend using Homebrew for this. Follow the instructions on Homebrew's page to set up the brew command. Once this is done you can install most dependencies using brew install <package>. Try brew search <package> to search for a package you want to install.

We recommend installing python from homebrew so you don't interfere with the system python along with a few other helpful packages for interacting with our example notebooks.

brew install python awscli zeromq

Once that is done, you should ensure that you don't have GDAL version 1.x installed from homebrew-core as GeoNotebook require version 2.0.

brew rm --force gdal

Now install an external repository that contains a recipe for GDAL 2.0, and install it.

brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac
brew install gdal2

If you are on Mac OS 10.10 or lower, you may get a compilation error, try running the following instead.

brew install gdal2 --env=std

GDAL 2 must be linked to /usr/local to be found by the GDAL python package, do this by running the following.

brew link --force gdal2

You can install vagrant from the released dmg, or install cask to do it for you.

brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install vagrant

Now you should have all the dependencies necessary to install the released version of GeoNotebook. In case you run into any problems, try diagnosing it with brew doctor.

To develop on GeoNotebook, you also must install a recent version of node. We recommend using nvm to do this. Follow the instructions in nvm's repository for installation, then install a recent version of node (you will probably need to open a new terminal window first).

nvm install v6
nvm use v6
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