Releases: OpenKNX/OpenKNXproducer
Again just small improvements:
- Default-Parameters for ConfigTransfer can now contain % character
- Readonly-Parameter are not anymore part of ConfigTransfer strings
- documentation parser removes links from source md file during extraction
- linefeeds during extraction are now os dependent (lf or cr/lf)
- version of generated knxprod file is printed in success message
Many new small improvements...
- NEW: allow channel calculations with %C{1,4}*nnnn[+-]mmmm%
- NEW: Check for color default
- NEW: Support PARTS in addition to Modules for repeat blocks within modules
- FIX: Path "./filename" and "filename" are handled identically
- NEW: Improved XML generation to prevent ETS warnings
- .md-baggages become .txt in ETS
- float defaults are converted to scientific format
- TemplateApplication has correct language format de-DE
- convert KOs to ETS naming conventions for KOs
- corrected LastWriteTimeUtc for png-Files
- NEW: Supports OpenKNX-ConfigTransfer-Module
- op:define noConfigTransfer to suppress modules from ConfigTransfer menu
- op:define ConfigTransferName so set the module name in ConfigTransfer dropdown
- added prefix utc to all generated javascript variables
- added ModuleSelectorWithChannels
- NEW: op:define prefixDoc can set a specific prefix for documentation links (especially, if one documentation is shared by multiple modules)
- NEW: Documentation for OpenKNXproducer is now available in doc folder
- FIX: %ModuleVersion% is also replaced for Modules without channels
- NEW: %MaxKoNumber% replacement
- FIX: Special types (like TypeIPAddress, TypeColor) got wrong length, if they are placet at the end of a module
- NEW: Warning for commented script functions, you should delete them to reduce application size
- FIX: Function names for ParameterValidations are checked for existence
- NEW: Resolve .lnk files on window in the path of includes
- NEW: PropertyParameter may contain offsets with %C% expressions (incl. calculations)
- FIX: Ensure to throw "Different KoBlockSize" exception only for templates
Many of the changes are OpenKNX specific, but this version can still be used for generation of non-OpenKNX ETS-Applications.
Version 2.4.1:
NEW: Module versioning is now based on library.json
FIX: .h-File was missing KO-defines, if a module contains no parameters
Version 2.3.9:
NEW: %ModuleVersion% is now replaced by a human readable representation of ModuleVersion (i.e. 21 -> 1.5)
Version 2.3.8:
FIX: verification of depenendent modules (OFM) now working with compile time errors
Version 2.3.3:
NEW: Allows verification of depenendent modules (i.e. correct version)
Check: ComObject Number == 0 is not allowed
Version 2.3:
NEW: Supports ETS 5.7, 6.0 and 6.1 for knxprod generation
Version 2.2:
NEW: Baggages are now supportend
(merge with 2.1-Beta Version with Baggages support)
Version 2.0.18:
FIX: regression in 2.0.17 - %N% was incorrectly replaced (always with 1 instead of NumChannels)
Version 2.0.17:
NEW: op:define allows now NumChannels=1
Version 2.0.15:
NEW: Improve content information for flash memory analysis
FIX: Check for 32-Bit-unsigned int is was wrong
Version 2.0.13:
NEW: Check if KO-Number is not numeric
Version 2.0.12 beta:
FIX: Float was handled interally as 2 Byte instead of 4 Byte
Version 2.0.11 beta:
New checks:
- RefId of ParameterRefRef has to be a ParameterRef
- RefId of ComObjectRefRef has to be a ComObjectRef
Version 2.0.10 beta:
- FIX: Name of a ParameterType ist not prefixed anymore with module prefix.
- NEW: Enumeration-Id is now completely generated, if it contains the Value %ENID%. This feature is only sopported for language independent knxprod files.
- NEW: Check for the correct enumeration key
- FIX: Defines were generated with paramLong, but there ist only paramInt availabel in knx-Stack.
Version 2.0.7 beta:
- NEW: Check for ParameterRef, if Id and RefId fit together (only for OpenKNX-Nameschema)
- NEW: Check for ComObjectRef, if Id and RefId fit together (only for OpenKNX-Nameschema)
Version 2.0.6 beta:
- FIX: updated *_KoCalcIndex(number) macro
- NEW: KO-Number of SingleKO (non-channel-KO) can be moved/shifted by KoSingleOffset-Attribute in op:define
Version 2.0.4 beta:
- Typo in paramDelay-Macro - missing =
Version 2.0.3 beta:
- ParamCalcNumber changed to ParamCalcIndex
- All KO access methods are again without (i) argument
- changed paramTime to paramDelay
- corrected calls to paramDelay
Version 2.0.2 beta:
- FIX: Cast to (bool) for 1 bit parameters was not working
- KoOffset is set to deprecated
- KoBlockOffset replaces KoOffset in future
- FIX: getGroupObject calculation was wrong
- FIX: Address of channel independent params was wrongly calculated
- NEW: All KO-access methods provide now an index parameter
- NEW: TimeMS access method in additions to Time/Base (in Milliseconds)
- NEW: Macro for ParamNumber calculation
- NEW: Macro for KoNumber calculation
- NEW: Macro for KoIndex calculation
- NEW: Macro for ParamTime calculation
Version 2.0.1 beta:
- Additional generation of Param and KO access methods
- alle Param and KO methods are commented with Param/KO text
- Params have according casts according to their ETS type
- 16- and 32-Bit Bitfields are now supported
- FIX: 7-bit masks were not generated
- NEW: changed mChannelNumber to _channelIndex
- FIX: access methods for enums with size of 8 bit were not generated
- FIX: access methods for enums with size > 8 bit were incorrectly generated