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This organisation serves to bundle repositories of open-source microchips created at or by members of the faculty of Computer Science (CS) at the Hochschule RheinMain - University of Applied Sciences. Design repositories rest with their respective authors and are cloned into the organistation. Bringups, ie. code and/or documentation related to using these chips are hosted in the organisation.


The names of the repositories hint to the content:


TTXX_PYYY Tiny Tapeout run XX, project YYY

GF180-MPWX GlobalFoundry 180nm PDK in Shuttlerun MPW-X

SKY130-MPWX Skywater 130nm PDK in Shuttlerun MPW-X

IHP130-SHUTTLE IHP 130nm PDK in Shuttlerun SHUTTLE


bringup Files and docs for bringing a chip to life (installation in Lab)

NAME Name of the chip. Contains the design files and/or the GDS


This is an overview of all the open-source microchips, in chronological order. Each row displays the information of a single microchip design. The columns are explained below the list. Some of the fields link to external sites.

Work-in-progress: Empty fields will get filled over time, the infos are not ready available by now. The whole thing is updated from time to time.

TO Del I PDK SR Ser Name Code GDS BU
SKY130 MPW-5 ZtoA ALU 74181 Git -
22/05 24/02 SKY130 MPW-8 EF VGA clock 01 Git Git
22/12 23/06 Y GF180 MPW-0 EF 8x8 Bit Mem Player Wokwi Git
22/12 23/06 Y GF180 MPW-0 EF ALU 74181 Git Git
22/12 24/01 Y SKY130 2211Q TT02 8x8 Bit Mem Player Wokwi Git
22/12 24/01 Y SKY130 2211Q TT02 Shiftreg Chall. 40 Bit Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 4x4 Memory Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 8x8 Bit Mem Player Wokwi Git Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 KS-Signal Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Skinny Sbox Wokwi Git
TO Del I PDK SR Ser Name Code GDS BU
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Stateful Lock Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Ascon Sbox Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Verilog LFSR Git Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Skinny SBox 8 Bit Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 8bit Binary Door Lock Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 4bit Adder Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Catch the Fish Wokwi Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Dot operation calculator Git Git
23/04 24/03 Y SKY130 2304C TT03 Shiftreg Chall. 40 Bit Wokwi Git
23/06 SKY130 ? TT03.5 VGA clock 02 Git Git
TO Del I PDK SR Ser Name Code GDS BU
23/09 24/04 Y SKY130 2309 TT04 Audio PWM Synth Git Git
23/09 24/04 Y SKY130 2309 TT04 Ripple Carry Adder Git Git
23/12 24/06 GF180 MPW-1 EF AudioChip Git Git
23/12 IHP130 HEP hardware security module Git Git
24/04 24/12 SKY130 2404 TT06 PiMac Git Git
24/04 24/12 SKY130 2404 TT06 Alternating Step Gen Git Git
24/04 24/12 SKY130 2404 TT06 AudioChip v2 Git Git
24/04 24/12 SKY130 2404 TT06 Simple Stopwatch Git Git
24/04 24/12 SKY130 2404 TT06 Gate Guesser Git Git
24/05 IHP130 ElemRV µController Git Git
TO Del I PDK SR Ser Name Code GDS BU
24/09 25/05 SKY130 2409 TT08 Simple Stopwatch Git Git
24/09 25/05 SKY130 2409 TT08 Rotary Encoder WS2812B Control Git Git

Calendar columns

TO: Tapeout deadline dates. The commit of the design files for production.

Del: Delivery date. The chip gets delivered to us.

I: The chip is In our hands (Yes/No).

PDK: Process Design Kit (Open Source).

SR: Shuttlerun name and number.

Ser: Serviceprovider for the Shuttlerun. EF = Efabless, ZtoA = ZeroToAsic, TT = Tiny Tapeout.

Name: Name of the chipdesign.

Code: Link to the sourcecode of the chipdesign.

GDS: Link to the repository of the Tapeout GDS.

BU: Link to the Bring-Up and testing process, after receiving the microchips.

Pinned Loading

  1. IHP130-hsm IHP130-hsm Public

    Forked from HEP-Alliance/hsm

    Open-source, RISC-V-based Hardware Security Module


  2. TT06_P099_PiMac TT06_P099_PiMac Public

    Forked from SteffenReith/TT06_PiMac

    A simple 4 bit pipelined multiply and accumulate unit


  3. TT06_P512_AudioChip_V2 TT06_P512_AudioChip_V2 Public

    Forked from ThorKn/TT06_AudioChip_V2

    Version 2.0 of the AudioChip. An earlier version of AudioChip was put on the GF180 MPW-1 shuttlerun.


  4. TT08_P455-rotary-encoder-WS2812B TT08_P455-rotary-encoder-WS2812B Public

    Forked from faramire/TT08-rotary-encoder-WS2812B

    A rotary encoder controls 12 WS2812B LEDs on a ring PCB.



Showing 10 of 27 repositories

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