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Unavailable edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 4 revisions


This defines all the flocks of NPCs that spawn in the game.

A flock is a set of NPCs that will spawn. For example, at different points, one point at top-most northern point of old Shinjalar, a group of industrial bots will spawn. Then, just right (east) to it (for some reason), Nomquol bots will spawn.
Each of these are flocks. If you attack a flock, others of the same flock will come to aid. Other flocks will simply ignore. There are many flocks per island.

Flocks are also used to define bots that spawn in incursions, as opposed to fixed spawns.

Table Structure

ID Type Name Description Properties Links
1 Number id Index number of the entry. PRIMARY, UNIQUE
2 String name A human-readable name for the spawn.
3 Number presenceid id of npc presenceto which this belongs. npcpresence
4 Number flockmembercount number of this npc
5 Number definition the npc definition, an entitydefault EntityDefaults
6 Number spawnOriginX The x co-ordinate of the center point of the zone that the flock spawns in.
7 Number spawnOriginY The y co-ordinate of the center point of the zone that the flock spawns in.
8 Number spawnrangeMin ???
9 Number spawnrangeMax ???
10 Number respawnseconds The number of seconds it takes for a member of the spot to be respawned.
11 Number totalspawncount The total number in the flock???
12 Number homerange The range the bots will only travel within when wandering.
13 String note Internal notes.
14 Number respawnmultiplierlow ??? FOREIGN
15 Boolean enabled Does this flock spawn?
16 Boolean iscallforhelp Will the other members of the flock attack if a member is attacked? ???
17 Number behaviourType The flock behaviour that this flock uses.
18 Object npcflockloot ???old mission item drops from static spawn FOREIGN npcflockloot
19 Object npcpoolpresetvalues ??? FOREIGN npcpoolpresetvalues


table structure

  • npcflock defines all the NPC ratting nodes that exist.
  • npcflockloot is the drop tables for each flock. Typically for old mission items.
  • npckills logs the number of times that a particular flock have been killed, more specifically how many bots killed split by flock.
  • npcloot is the drop tables for each NPC.
  • npcpoolpresets is the spawn pool definitions.
  • npcpoolpresetvalues is the pools actual definition; where the "bot X spawned in Y flock using Z preset" values are kept.
  • npcpresence is the parent collection of 0-n flocks
  • npcrandomflockpool ???
  • npcsafespawnpoints ???
  • npcspawn is the parent collection of 0-n presences


This is recorded on a per-flock. So, if you take 20 seconds to kill a bot, and one respawns every 30 seconds, and that there are 5 bots. You'll exhaust (have to wait 10 seconds between kills) after 4 minutes of constant killing (assuming you only target one bot at a time, and take that long to kill one on average.


Defines the attacking behaviour.

Value Meaning
0 Passive
1 Neutral (Only attacks if attacked)
2 Aggresive (Seeks out players)

See Also

  • Related page
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