This repository provides the full documentation for OpenTrafficCam.
It is generated by MkDocs using the awesome material theme.
The documentation is fully written in Markdown.
You can update or correct the content of this documentation by editing existing or creating new Markdown files in /docs
(e.g. directly on GitHub or using an IDE like VS Code).
A new page needs to be added to the navigation structure in mkdocs.yml
It includes also all settings for the theme.
If you are using VS Code you should consider using the extension markdownlint to write proper Markdown code.
The [YAML] extension is useful to lint and autoformat the mkdocs.yml
Markdown All in One could be helpful to write Markdown.
You can commit any changes in any branch except master
and gh-pages
To add your changes, create a new branch and open a pull request to master
branch contains the generated HTML files for the site and should never be touched.
A ton of additional Markdown features are documented in the material theme reference.
MkDocs converts all Markdown files using the settings and navigation defined in mkdocs.yml
into a static HTML site.
The documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages and will be deployed automatically.
After creating, reviewing and merging a pull request to the master branch, a GitHub action will deploy the changes.
If you want to preview your changes before creating a pull request, here is what you have to do.
Clone the repository (if not done already). Create a virtual environment and install dependencies. We provide an install script. Open a terminal and start the install script.
sh ./
The script deletes previous installs, so you can use it to update your local environment.
You can run a local server with autoload. You should always upgrade your venv.
sh ./
MkDocs builds the site and starts a local webserver which monitors for changes.
Open in your browser to access this site.
If you change any file inside /docs
MkDocs regenerates that site and instantly reloads your browser.
This even works great if you change a branch while running mkdocs serve
To stop the web server, press "Ctrl + C" or by closing the terminal.