An EntityFramework Filesystem Provider
Adds the ability to store information in files instead of being limited to databases.
FileBaseContext is a EntityFramework Filesystem Provider for Net8+
Works for
- Unit Test - Mocking
- Serverless db persistance, easier than Sqlite (Tables are created for one thing)
- Works cross platform, easy offline persistant data store
Install nuget package EntityFilesystem
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
PM> Install-Package EntityFilesystem
// DbStartup.cs
using FileBaseContext.Extensions;
partial void CustomInit(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseFileBaseContextDatabase(databaseName: "DbFolderName");
Created with Entity Framework Visual Editor Extension from Visual Studio Marketplace
- Ex1_ModelPerson
- Ex2_ModelOne2One
- Ex3_ModelOnetoMany
- Ex4_ModeManytoMany
- Ex5_ModelInvoice
- Ex6_Course
- Ex7_Mvp
NUGET package
Store tables in file, easy 'Serverless' file system text file serialised ef db persistance
- Easier than Sqlite, just works
- you don't need a database server
- rapid modeling
- version control supported
- supports all serializable .NET types
- unit tests
Powerful file based database provider for Entity Framework Core, easy 'Serverless' file system text file serialised ef db persistance
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseFileBaseContextDatabase(databaseName: DatabaseName);
optionsBuilder.UseFileBaseContextDatabase(location: "C:\Temp\userDb");
If you need to use the provider in unit tests, you can change IFileSystem to MockFileSystem in OnConfiguring method in datacontext class.
private readonly MockFileSystem _fileSystem;
public DbTestContext(MockFileSystem fileSystem)
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseFileBaseContextDatabase(DatabaseName, null, services =>
File system Entity Frameworks Providers Core 2+ Offers Different serializer supported (XML, JSON, CSV, Excel) Core 2/3 - last update Aug 2, 2020 FileBaseContext is a provider of Entity Framework Core 8 to store database information in files. [Current developement: forked from this, adjusted namespace, tweaks, published nuget and added examples] Core 8+
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using FileBaseContext.Extensions;
using FileBaseContext.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace CRMDb
public partial class CRMDbEF : DbContext
public static string DatabaseName = "my_local_db"; // Will create folder \bin\my_local_db and tables.json files
private static string SchemaVersion = "1.0"; // Update this version when schema changes
private static string VersionFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, DatabaseName, "schema_version.txt");
public static string DatabasePath = Path.Combine (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, DatabaseName);
partial void CustomInit(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (HasSchemaChanged())
string location = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
Debug.WriteLine ($">CRMDbEF : DbContext -> CustomInit, location: '{location}, databaseName: '{DatabaseName}'");
Console.WriteLine ($">CRMDbEF : DbContext -> CustomInit, location: '{location}, databaseName: '{DatabaseName}'");
optionsBuilder.UseFileBaseContextDatabase(databaseName: DatabaseName, location: location);
public void EnsureDatabaseAndSchemaCreated ()
// Ensure the database directory exists
Directory.CreateDirectory (DatabasePath);
// Iterate over all entity types and ensure their corresponding files are created
foreach (var entityType in Model.GetEntityTypes ())
string tableName = entityType.GetTableName ();
string filePath = Path.Combine (DatabasePath, $"{tableName}.json");
if (!File.Exists (filePath))
File.Create (filePath).Dispose (); // Create the file and close it immediately
Debug.WriteLine ($"\tCreated schema file for table: {tableName}");
public bool DatabaseExists ()
return File.Exists (VersionFilePath);
private bool HasSchemaChanged()
if (!File.Exists(VersionFilePath))
return true;
string storedVersion = File.ReadAllText(VersionFilePath);
return !storedVersion.Equals(SchemaVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private void DeleteOldStore()
string contextPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, DatabaseName);
if (Directory.Exists(contextPath))
Directory.Delete(contextPath, true);
Console.WriteLine("Old FileBasedContext store deleted successfully.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred while deleting the context store: {ex.Message}");
private void SaveCurrentSchemaVersion()
File.WriteAllText(VersionFilePath, SchemaVersion);