Releases: OrangeSpork/HS2VR
The 2155X Edition - thanks for the codes!
- Fixed: Controller Collision with DB1 components (Hairs, Accessories, Some Clothes)
- Feature: Controller Collision with Physics components (Some Clothes)
- Feature: Privacy screen on desktop window (enable in VRSettings.xml)
- Fixed: Compatibility with WINE
Standing Mode - New Tool: CamTool (Studio Only)
- Push Trigger to switch through Camera Presets
- Long Push Trigger (Hold for 1/2 second) to reverse switch through Camera Presets
- Tap Touchpad/Touchstick button to switch through Object (in-scene) Cameras (note you'll have to cycle through all of them to 'free' yourself and switch to the none)
- Long Tap Touchpad/Touchstick (Hold for 1/2 second) to reverse switch
- Grip to move camera (same as warp tool)
- When Object (scene) camera is selected, Grip to 'fly' the camera around - note: actually moves the object/scene camera itself
Standing & Seated Modes - Main Game H Subtitles should display consistently
Standing Mode - Tool Customization
- Run once with the new version, then In VRSettings.xml you'll see new LeftTool and RightTool config options to select which tools show on which controllers and in what order. Select which tools where you want them.
Standing Mode - Main Game - QOL Camera fixes (contrib. from user Nana - sorry for sitting on these for so long, my bad)
- Switching characters (using chara switcher plugin) will no longer switch camera/pov positions
For those following older links, going forward - graphics releases will be attached to the actual repo instead of being hosted here. Link:
This repo will now return to just being for the VR plugin releases.
HS2 Graphics only release
v. 0.4.0
Fix: Default reflection probe settings should be ironed out now...
HS2Graphics Only Release...again
Fix: Cam Light Rotations were fighting the vanilla Illusion controls. Removed rotation from Cam Light Graphics properties, it'll use vanilla controls exclusively now. Special thanks to eagle eyed user DirtyDarkling who noticed the subtle rotation variance.
HS2Graphics Only Release...again
SSS - ProfilePerObject mode works correctly.
SSS - Culling Layers and Debug options work correctly.
Note: Profiles from prior versions will automatically set culling layer and debug settings to intelligent values and enable PPO mode. Profiles saved from this point forward will honor the actual profile setting.
Light Tab - Added All On/All Off buttons for the light types to mass enable/disable lights.
HS2Graphics only release V0.3.7
For latest HS2VR binaries see prior release
Fix: Some issues around Default Reflection Probe creation/destruction
As part of this, using the Studio reset button now reloads default Studio Graphics preset
Feature: Scales HMD camera view to impersonated character size during POV mode. Default on. Turn off in VRSettings.xml. Adjust coefficient in VRSettings.xml to magnify or diminish effect strength.
Feature: Per Light Settings now saved with scenes (studio only)
Feature: Pulse Realtime Reflection Probes and Pulse Timer - When toggled activates realtime reflection probes on a timer basis, updating reflections periodically without the constant fps drain.
Another HS2Graphics only release...
Version 0.3.5
Default Reflection Probe Settings Save with Presets
Reflection Probe Settings Save With Scenes in Studio
Default Reflection Probe no longer added to scenes with an existing real time reflection probe unless a non-0 intensity default reflection probe was saved on the scene.
Fix: Alloy specular light radius default 0 => 1, Fixes Light gimmicks not working properly in Studio
Still no VR changes, scroll down for the last VR release (0.7.1).
Fix: SSS with Upsampled screenshots, mirror fix had uprendered screenshots rendering with improper lighting camera config. Uprendered screenshots will now render with SSS effects working.