AWS EC2 Status Controller is a bunch of BASH scripts for scanning, starting, stopping, and terminating instances in Amazon Web Services.
if there's any instance running, it will send you a mail to notify you.
you can also use it to create a new EC2 instance with specific settings for region, instance type, key pair, volume size, security group, and instance name.
Take a look at the GitHub project page.
- Scan all regions for launched instances (whether they are running or not)
- Saves scanned instances to a file for later use
- Check, start, stop and terminate specific instances or all in a specific region
- Check for lanched instances by regions and print their info (instance id, instance type, state, public IP, private IP)
- prints public IP and private IP of instances
- prints instance id, intance type and state of instances
- send mail to notify you if there's any instance running with the ability to change this to notify you only if there's any large/xlarge instance running
- you can create a cronjob to run this script every 12HRS or on reboot to mail you if there's any instance running
- Provision a new EC2 instance with custom region, instance type, key pair, volume_size, security group, and the name of the instance
- creates a new key pair if it the one you specified as 3rd argument doesn't exist and saves it in the current directory or the directory you passed as the third argument
- creates a new security group with the name you passed as the fifth argument and add inbound rule to allow all traffic from your ip only to the instance
- creates a new volume with the size you passed as the fourth argument and attach it to the instance
- creates a name you passed as the fifth argument for the instance
curl "" -o && chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ec2
1. aws_ec2 scan save
2. aws_ec2 check [region]
3. aws_ec2 [start|stop|terminate|ip] [region] [instance_id]
scan scans all regions and saves only scan result in $rgs_dir/scan
scan save scans and saves the instances ids for further use in $rgs_dir
regions lists all saved regions, but you must first scan and save the instances
[region] print info about instances inside passed region
[command] [region] [instance_id] [start|stop|terminate|ip|check] but you must first scan and save the instances
Eg: aws_ec2 start us-east-1 starts all instances in us-east-1
Eg: aws_ec2 start us-east-1 i-050b7d36ad76bddea starts a specific instance in us-east-1
curl "" -o && chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/notify_ec2
This will send you a mail if there's any instance running
To create a cronjob to execute this script every 12HRS or on reboot to notify you if there's any instance running, you must do the following first:
a- execute the script for the first time to install any missing dependencies and to configure ssmtp
b- To avoid cronjob errors delete unnecessary parts of script copy paste the following in /usr/local/bin/notify_ec2:
ec2 scan save
running_inst=$(grep running ~/.aws/regions/scan | awk '{print $2 " - " $7}' | sort | uniq -c | sed 's/,//g')
date=$(date +%F)
echo -e "$date:\n$running_inst\n----------------------------------------" >> $inst_path
if [ -n "$running_inst" ]; then
echo "Sending email to $1..."
echo -e "The following AWS instance are currently running:\n\n$(cat $inst_path)" | mail -s "Warning running instances" $1
echo "there're no instance running in aws"
c- open crontab editor with vim
crontab -e
d- add any line of the following lines in the vim editor
0 */12 * * * /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/notify_ec2 >> /home/<your_user>/output.txt
@reboot /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/notify_ec2 >> /home/<your_user>/output.txt
curl "" -o && chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/provision
This will provision ec2 with custom region, instance type, key pair, volume_size, security group, and the name of the instance
provision <1-region> <2-instance_type> <3-key_name.pem> <4-volume_size> <5-tag>
NP: the numbers indicated above is just to help you write the values in the right order, do not write them before the value
provision us-east-1 t2.micro key_name.pem 20 my_instance
Ubuntu 20.04.
If you have successfully tested this script on others systems or platforms please let me know!
If you want to support this project, please consider donating:
- PayPal:
- Buy me a coffee:
- ETH: 0x507bF8931b534a81Ced18FDf8fc5BE4Daf08332B
By Osama-Yusuf
Thanks for reading