Loading time remover for Owlboy
Owlboy Autosplitter is originally made by OsteHovel and CountCreep. Updated Owlboy Autosplitter is made by ViresMajores. Updated again by OsteHovel
- Download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718&751be11f-ede8-5a0c-058c-2ee190a24fa6=True
- Place "OwlBoyLiveSplitLibrary.dll", "OwlboyAutoSplitter.exe" in your ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Owlboy directory
- Open LiveSplit and add a Scriptable Auto Splitter to your layout. Set the script path to be "Owlboy.asl".
- Set LiveSplit to compare against Game Time.
To start a run, have LiveSplit open then run "OwlboyAutoSplitter.exe". This will launch Owlboy for you and will pause/unpause the timer anytime the game is on a loading screen.