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True Colours -> REDCap data processing script.

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Treatment Resistant Depression Database Command Line Interface

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This CLI performs automated data collection and curation for the TRD Database project.


The tool is deployed to a standalone Oxford MSD IT server. It runs regularly as a Cron job that runs the command trd-cli run.

The trd-cli command is installed as a system-wide command using the file in the repository.

trd-cli command

The trd-cli command is the entry point for the tool. It has two subcommands: run and dump.


Run a single fetch-parse-compare-upload cycle for the True Colours and REDCap data. All configuration options may be specified as arguments to the command or as environment variables. For those that are marked as required, they must be specified in one of these ways. Command line arguments take precedence over environment variables.

Option Environment Variable Required Description
--rc-url TRD_REDCAP_URL Yes The URL of the REDCap API endpoint
--rc-token TRD_REDCAP_TOKEN Yes The API token for the REDCap project
--tc-archive TRD_TRUE_COLOURS_ARCHIVE Yes File path to the True Colours data archive
--mailto TRD_MAILTO_ADDRESS No The email address to send emails to
--mg-secret TRD_MAILGUN_SECRET No* The Mailgun API secret
--mg-domain TRD_MAILGUN_DOMAIN No* The Mailgun domain
--mg-username TRD_MAILGUN_USERNAME No* The Mailgun username
--dry-run None No If set, the tool will not upload to REDCap
--log-dir TRD_LOG_DIR No The directory to write log files to
--log-level TRD_LOG_LEVEL No The level of logging to use
  • Required if mailto is specified


Export the structure of the True Colours data to a file that can be used to create the REDCap project. This command has one option: -o or --output, which specifies the output file path. If the output file path is not specified, the output will be written to stdout.

REDCap setup

The project converts True Colours data to REDCap data. REDCap doesn't allow direct database access, however, so we need to create fake instruments in REDCap to store the data.

The quick way

The quick way to set up the REDCap project is still quite slow, but it's faster than the long way.

Generate a list of variables

Run trd-cli dump -o rc_variables.txt to export the variables from the True Colours data. This will output a file called rc_variables.txt in the current directory. It will contain the names of the instruments and all the fields that will be exported for those instruments for all the questionnaires the tool knows about.

The rc_variables.txt file will look like this:

###### instrument_name ######

Create the instruments in REDCap

For each line with ###### at the start and end, create an instrument with the fields listed below it.

You should use instrument_name as the name of the instrument in REDCap, although this is not strictly necessary. The field names must be copied exactly as they appear in the file. This means that most will be prefixed with their instrument name (except for private fields).

Each field will have to be created in REDCap with the following settings:

  • Field Type: Text Box (Short Text, Number, Date/Time...)
  • Field Label: The name of the field in the file (not strictly necessary, but it helps)
  • Variable Name: The name of the field in the file (exactly as it appears in the file)
  • Identifier: No (unless it's an id field e.g. instrument_name_response_id)
  • No required, validation, etc (we're importing from True Colours, so we don't want stuff to break because of REDCap's validation)

When the data are exported from REDCap, the field names will help identify which instrument they belong to.

The long way

Create a private instrument in REDCap with Text Box fields with these Variable Names:

Field Name True Colours patient.csv field Contains personal information?
id id False
nhsnumber nhsnumber True
birthdate birthdate True
contactemail contactemail True
mobilenumber mobilenumber True
firstname firstname True
lastname lastname True
preferredcontact preferredcontact False

The id must be listed with 'Identifier' set to 'No'. This allows us to query REDCap for the id and link it to the internal study_id. This in turn allows us to identify whether a participant is already in the database.

Instruments for other questionnaires

The instruments only exist as a framework for holding data exported from True Colours. This means that we need to provide a very specific structure:

  • Use the scale code as a prefix, and include item number (where applicable), item short description, and data type
    • E.g. demo_age_int or phq9_1_interest_float
  • Include a datetime field for each instrument to hold the time of completion
    • E.g. phq9_datetime
    • (the 'datetime' is assumed from the name, and the format is going to be True Colours rather than REDCap)
  • Include _score_ fields for any scores or subscale scores that are calculated in True Colours
    • E.g. phq9_score_total_float

Using the REDCap data

We save scores only

The data in REDCap are the scores for items on questionnaires. This means that reverse-coded items, etc. are already accounted for.

To recover the actual answers that a participant entered, refer to the data dictionary for the scale of interest.

Handling exported data

REDCap records are always exported in string format. This means that the data may have to be parsed to be useful. The last part of the name of field in a record is an indication of the data type to which it should be converted. These types come from True Colours, and their sanity can be checked with reference to the data dictionary for the relevant scale.

REDCap structures the data for repeated instruments such that all potential rows are returned, even if their values are not relevant. E.g. given (for brevity) we just have demo and phq9 instruments, the first completion of demo be a record like:

  "study_id": "REDCap assigned identifier",
  "redcap_repeat_instrument": "demo",
  "redcap_repeat_instance": 1,
  "demo_datetime": "20241105 15:31",
  "demo_gender_int": "1",
  "demo_other_fields": "other fields and content",
  "demo_complete": "2 indicates complete, 1 incomplete; presumably 0 not started?",
  "phq9_datetime": "",
  "phq9_1_interest_float": "",
  "phq9_other_fields": "all these PHQ fields will be blank"

This is true whether or not phq9 has been completed first! Even if phq9 has been completed, the values will not be included in the demo row. This does make sense.

Note that the redcap_repeat_instance field is actually an integer whereas everything else is a string. There doesn't seem to be a way in REDCap to get it to store data values as anything but strings.

Implementation (QUESTIONNAIRES)

The core work of the tool is performed by the QUESTIONNAIRES list in This contains a dict for each questionnaire we expect to find in the True Colours data. Below, you will find a description of each property and how it relates to True Colours questionnaire setup.


Corresponds to the Title field in the True Colours Questionnaire Builder. It is not the Name field.


This is the short questionnaire identifier used for REDCap. It does not relate to anything in True Colours. It should be short and clear.

Exported REDCap data will have fields named like <code>_<#>_<item>_<data_type> (e.g. phq9_1_interest_float), so expect whatever you put here to be visible to researchers in their datasets.


The items is a list of the questions in the questionnaire. The order of the items is the order they are listed in the True Colours Questionnaire Builder. So the first item corresponds to Question 1, the second to Question 2, and so on. The value is a string that will be used to add some context to the variable name for researchers.

Exported REDCap data will have fields named like <code>_<#>_<item>_<data_type> (e.g. phq9_1_interest_float), so picking a good name will help researchers interpret their datasets without constant reference to the data dictionary. Names should be as short as possible.


These correspond to the Category Name fields of the Questionnaire Scoring in the True Colours Questionnaire Builder. They must match exactly.

The score will be converted into lower case with spaces and other characters replaced with - or removed.

Exported REDCap data will have fields named like <code>_score_<score>_<data_type> (e.g. phq9_score_total_float).


This is the function used for converting the questionnaire from True Colours data into REDCap data. There are several conversion functions listed in For most questionnaires the one to use will be convert_scores, which extracts the scores for each question.


This repository uses pre-commit to enforce code quality standards. To install pre-commit, run the following command:

pip install pre-commit

To install the pre-commit hooks, run the following command:

pre-commit install


The following hooks are used in this repository:

  • ruff Python code formatter and linter
  • a few of the pre-commit default hooks



Burns, S. S., Browne, A., Davis, G. N., Rimrodt, S. L., & Cutting, L. E. PyCap (Version 1.0) [Computer Software].
Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University and Philadelphia, PA: Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.
Available from doi:10.5281/zenodo.9917


True Colours -> REDCap data processing script.






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