- Description
- Technologies Used
- Screenshots
- Installation
- Usage
- View Live Website
- Testing
- Contributing
- Questions
- License
Mindshare is designed to help individuals who are facing the turmoil of isolation. Unlike social media where all your entries are at the scrutiny and judgment of your family, friends and peers. Mindshare is meant to be a safe place where you can make meaningful inputs and track your mood and feelings over a time period, away from scrutiny.
This application is a smart and interactive journal, where you are given daily questions that allows an algorithm to analyze your responses and display correlations between your mood and your behaviours. Allowing you to pinpoint what makes a good vs a bad day.
It is meant for users to speak their minds and release any hidden feelings within. A shift towards wellbeing improvements starts from the inside.
The application was developed using the following technologies:
- React
- Material Ui
- Bcrypt
- MongoDB/Atlas
- Dotenv
- Node
- Express
- Joi
- Jsonwebtoken
- Mobiscroll
- Mongoose
- Passport
- Path
- React-calendar
- React-use-window-size
- Jest
- Axios
- React-confetti
- React-dom
- React-google-login
- React-icons
- React-player
- React-router-dom
- Travis-ci
- Heroku
- Validator
- Canvasjs
- word-map API
- Google Speech-to-Text API
Please click here to view the live webpage hosted on Heroku.
You can invoke the test script by opening the client folder within the terminal and using the following command:
npm run test
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please contact one of our team members if you have any questions regarding the application:
- Hustin
hkavafsd@gmail.com - Rachael
rachael.mcilhagga@live.co.uk - Mike
tkachuk2314@gmail.com - Keith
keith.crooc@gmail.com - Joyson
This application is covered by the MIT licence.