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Computed Property Macros for Ember


Ember. Versions between 0.9.8 and 1.x should work fine. (If you're running Ember 0.9.x and want the CP macros from Ember 1.0, the ember_09 branch has them.)


Just add ember-cpm.js to your page after Ember but before your app.

Build from source

You will need to install the dependencies first. Run make install_dependencies to do it.

Then run make to generate ember-cpm.js from source in the dist folder.

Run tests

To run the rest suite in interactive mode execute make test and enter http://localhost:4200.

To run the test suite just once and exit run make test-ci.

You can also run the test suite in watch mode with broccoli serve.

Run tests

For run the tests once in just type make test.

You can also run the tests in interactive mode by typing testem.

Change Warning

Ember-CPM will likely see several breaking changes during Q2 and Q3 2014 as its scope and structure change. We will, of course, bump the major version when making breaking changes and make the period of instability as short as possible.

Provided Macros

  • among -- returns true if the original value is among the given literals (testing using ===)
  • encodeURIComponent -- calls encodeURIComponent on the original value
  • encodeURI -- calls encodeURI on the original value
  • fmt -- pass the original values into a format-string
  • htmlEscape -- escapes the original value with Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression and wraps the result in a Handlebars.SafeString (since it's now safe)
  • ifNull -- fall back on a default value
  • notAmong -- inverse of among
  • notEqual -- inverse of the built-in equal macro
  • notMatch -- inverse of the built-in match macro
  • promise -- wraps the original value in an already-resolved promise
  • safeString -- wraps the original value in a Handlebars.SafeString
  • join -- joins the supplied values together with a provided sepatator
  • sumBy -- sums a property from an array of objects


Person = Ember.Object.extend({

  name: null,

  handedness: null,

  greeting: null,

  handle: EmberCPM.Macros.ifNull('name', 'Anonymous'),

  greeting: EmberCPM.Macros.fmt('name', 'greeting', '%@ says, "%@!"'),

  canUseLeftHand: EmberCPM.Macros.among('handedness', 'left', 'ambidextrous'),

  notNamedJohn: EmberCPM.Macros.notMatch('name', /\bJohn\b/)



If you would prefer to use Ember.computed.{macro} instead of EmberCPM.Macros.{macro} (for the sake of uniform access), simply call EmberCPM.install() before your application code.


ComputedProperty Macros for Ember






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