This is the esp-firmware repository of the Pick-by-Light project. Detailed information about the functionality and documentation can be found in the docs folder.
As we are trying to create our Pick-By-Light system, we need some way to control the LEDs in our shelves.
Therefor, we are using microcontrollers running dedicated firmware.
The software run by these microcontrollers is to be found in this part of the project.
They are responsible for reacting to messages using the MQTT-Protocol and fulfill send assignments.
These include:
- Controlling any connected LEDs
- Using the microcontrollers memory to save its own shelf-configuration, and
- have the ability to load a backup back into the main database in case of a critical failure
For achieving these abilities, the firmware takes care of basic functionality, like:
- Connecting to a WLAN
- Setting up a MQTT Client,
- Register the shelf in a system with (possibly) mutliple shelves, and thereafter
- Listen to any incoming messages
In conclusion, the firmware acts as heart & soul of the used shelves, for awesome behavior like this:
The current software is made to work with an ESP32 by espressif.
We recommend to use Visual Studio Code as an IDE to make using PlatformIO more comfortable.
- VSC Plugin: PlatformIO IDE
- Visual Studio Code
- USB-Driver for ESP (Only needed under Windows)
If you want to use your own IDE, check out CLI.
git clone
- Change these values to fit to your environment in ES-ESP32-firmware/src/main.cpp
line20: const char* ssid = "<WLAN-SSID>"; // e.g. "PBL-WIFI-77"
line21: const char* password = "<WLAN-PASSWORD>"; // e.g. "Secret77Password11"
line25: const char* mqtt_server = "<MQTT-SERVER-IP>"; // e.g. ""
line27: uint16_t mqtt_port = <port>; // e.g. 1883
- Load the folder "Firmware" in Visual Studio Code
- Connect the ESP32 with USB
- Use "PlatformIO: Upload"
- Use "PlatformIO: New Terminal"
- Connect ESP32
- Paste into the terminal:
pio test
- Test if on connected ESP32 pin2 is a LED
- Test if LED on pin2 can be turned on
- Test if LED on pin2 can be turned off
- Test if the ESP32 responds a mac-address with the correct length
- Test if the function createTopic returns the expected order
- If your having problems with python while building, delete the related folder.
- If the connecting bar is stuck while uploading, hold the reset button on the esp until platformio connects.