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Platypus v0.6.7

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@probityrules probityrules released this 04 Dec 19:19
· 549 commits to master since this release

This release fixes several outdated component behaviors and introduces a few minor features.

Bug Fixes

  1. Camera: Fixed offsetX and offsetY behavior for camera movement mode "forward".
  2. VoiceOver: Now correctly passes along offsetZ property when creating the RenderSprite component.
  3. RenderSprite: Masks set on component as a string value are parsed correctly for PIXI.Graphics.
  4. LogicDirectionalMovement: Removed this component's undocumented ability to pause the entity and put in a fix so that it maintains the entity's heading when swapped out using ComponentSwitcher.
  5. CollisionGroup and LogicTeleportee: These two components no longer reset an entity's z to 0.
  6. LogicImpactLaunch: Fixed this component to work correctly with the Mover component.
  7. LogicRotationalMovement: This component now manipulates the rotation property rather than the orientation property of the entity.

Minor Changes

  1. Console only outputs the game configuration on start-up when the game is in debug mode.
  2. Pixi.js's console "hello" has been replaced with additional game information including game and framework versions. PlatypusPlugin accepts two options (author and hideHello) to customize this output.
  3. Improved browser detection for MS Edge, available at platypus.supports.edge as a Boolean value.
  4. EntityController: Added a stateMaps property to this component to allow for state-specific controls on an entity.
  5. HandlerLogic: Checking whether to pause logic has moved inside the logic cycle loop for more accurate behavior.
  6. Motion: Added event listeners to replace the more confusing properties currently on this component.