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Gabriel Di Vanna Camargo edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

USPolis Admin Backend 🏛

This is the repo for the backend of the USPolis Admin application


pip install requirements.txt


The API is built based on Flask framework and also on the flasgger library.


The main code of the API is centered on blueprints and schemas. This topic will cover what you should encounter on each of this project's folders.


This folder is reserved for definition of flasgger schemas, which are like "entities" for our system.

They are declared as subclasses of the Schema class, and defines schemas similar to "objects" or "dictionaries", containing a series of properties, each one with its name and field type.

class SubjectSchema(Schema):
  subject_name = fields.Str()
  subject_code = fields.Str()

The most common use case of these schemas on this api is to validate endpoints inputs, using the .load() schema method. This method throws errors when the format of the request is not coherent with the schema.

Below is a demonstration of this use case in a POST request.

def create_classroom():
        dict_request_body = request.json


    except DuplicateKeyError as err:
        return {"message": err.details["errmsg"]}, 400

    except ValidationError as err:
        return {"message": err.messages}, 400

Beyong helping in validating, they are important for flasgger to generate the swagger API documentation.


Here is where all the API business logic is centered. Each blueprint file is responsible for a determined section of the API, tipically an endpoint and its HTTP methods.

In each blueprint file, there are:

  • endpoints routing: Flask's basic functionalities
  • request treatment: Schema's load method
  • database consulting: mongodb python driver
  • error handling


In this folder, we encounter some utilities for our server.


File inside Common folder, it contains the connection instantiation for mongodb database.

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