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An eclectic group of utilities and code wrappers to reduce boilderplate code in new projects


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This is a collection of utility methods, various wrappers, and examples that are all used to reduce boilerplate code in projects.

For a list of changes and the differences in versions, please see the Changelog.


To install, insert this into your projects root build.gradle file

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

And include this in your dependencies section of your module .gradle file:

implementation ('com.github.PGMacDesign:PGMacTips:1.6.0')

Having trouble with Jitpack? This link here will show what is going on with the current build as well as give you instructions on integrating Jitpack into your project.

Proguard / Obfuscation

If you run into trouble with obfuscation / Proguard issues, add this line to your file:

    # PGMacTips Proguard Bypass
    -dontwarn com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.**
    -keep class com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.** { *; }

And if you are still seeing problems, look into this issues section or if it is related to the Realm dependency, see the Realm Exceptions section.

Nested Libraries & Dependencies

This library utilizes many others within it; the full list of dependencies, links to their reposotiry pages, and the version used can be found under the CustomAnnotationsBase class.


Under this same CustomAnnotationsBase class, There is an interface that is used throughout the library. This is the annotation base which helps to identify which classes use or require a dependency. The use of some classes requires the dependency for any methods to be used while others only require the dependency if a specific method or function is used.

For example, if you reference the ImageUtilities class and want to use the resizePhoto() method, it uses all native Android classes and requires no custom dependencies to work properly. If you instead wanted to use the setImageWithPicasso() method, this uses Picasso as a required dependency to operate and is so marked with said annotation above the method itself. Note that the class does not have such an annotation, but the method does.

@CustomAnnotationsBase.RequiresDependency(requiresDependency = CustomAnnotationsBase.Dependencies.Picasso)

On the other hand, if you want to use the DatabaseUtilities and any of its subsequent methods, you must include both the Gson and Realm dependencies so the class itself has the annotation indicating such.

@CustomAnnotationsBase.RequiresDependency(requiresDependencies = {CustomAnnotationsBase.Dependencies.Realm,


Note that one of the dependencies Realm has a plethora of releases and using different versions can cause crashes and problems, IE Issue 3. The solution for that particular issue was related to a custom Module, regardless, see the versioning guide below to prevent code breaking builds if you yourself are using Realm as a dependency:

  • If using version >= 3.0.0 but < than 4.2.0, use a release equal to or less than 0.0.64
  • If using version 4.2.0, use a release at or above 0.0.66.

Also note that the old method for declaring Realm in the gradle file has been updated as per this announcement. The new way I am declaring the library is as follows:

in the build.gradle file, but here is the code copied over (changing api to implementation):

At the project level:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    allprojects {
        repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath '' //Your gradle version

        classpath "io.realm:realm-gradle-plugin:4.2.0" //<--------

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

At the module level:

apply plugin: 'realm-android' //<--------
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

I started deviating from Realm's updates once they started requiring accounts / credentials to use. I originally used version 3.0.0, but have since upgraded to 4.2.0. See the list of releases here I am unsure of forwards compatibility, but if newer versions will work or break the current project, please let me know and I will update to the highest possible one without making changes to the source code.


This project fully supports and utilizes AndroidX. If you are unfamiliar with it and are using legacy code, in Android studio go to Refactor and then click Migrate to AndroidX. You should probably do this sooner rather than later if you have not because once you start using dependencies that utilize AndroidX (Like this one) you will either need to update or utilize Jetifier instead. Furthermore, Google Play dependencies have started requiring the migration to AndroidX if you want to use the most current versions.

One last note here, if you are seeing Manifest Merge issues, no amount of Googling has resolved your problem, and have not yet migrated to AndroidX, that has been the culprit for me multiple times.

Issues / Exceptions

As this library uses multiple nested dependencies, there can sometimes be conflicts that arise when being used with other dependencies. This section covers some of the more common ones and how they can be resolved fairly quickly.

When all of these recommendations below fail, try simply invalidating caches and restarting (File --> 'Incalidate Caches / Restart...').

Note, many of the errors / issues here have been resolved, but I am leaving them in for future reference.


Occassionally you will run into a Dex Archive Builder Exception or something similar to that error message where it will prevent you from running a build, but will sync gradle just fine. This is usually caused by conflicts relating to warring dependencies.

There is one thing you can do though which may resolve the issue without much effort. In your module level build.gradle file, add this code underneath the Android section:

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17

Try that before you attempt to dig through your dependencies for conflicts.

Manifest merger errors

Depending on your version of Google's Libraries, you may run into this error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute value=(26.0.1) from [] AndroidManifest.xml:28:13-35
	is also present at [] AndroidManifest.xml:28:13-35 value=(26.1.0).
	Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:value"' to <meta-data> element at AndroidManifest.xml:26:9-28:38 to override.

Or an error indicating that "Multiple dex files define...".

Or something along those lines. If you do, simply add this line of code to your build.gradle file underneath the Android Tag

    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
            def requested = details.requested
            if ( == '') { //Replace String here with whichever error is thrown
                if (!"multidex")) {
                    details.useVersion '{VERSION}' //Replace version here with whatever you are using (IE, 27.1.1); this will override the other one

ExecException (Gradle / AAPT)

Occasionally when you add in multiple dependencies, you may see this error:

Error:org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'D:\user\Android\sdk\build-tools\{VERSION}\aapt.exe''
 finished with non-zero exit value 1
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Failed to execute aapt

This is one of those exceptions that has a large number of fixes for it so by all means check around if one is better than my solution here, but more often than not I simply add this line to the file.


2019 Update

As of January 2019, the above command is now deprecated and will not work. One bit of info that might help solve the issue, AAPT issues are generally related to asset, xml, layout, or resource errors. Check your layouts for bad references, make sure your custom drawables do not have malformed xml; Guidelines Here, and confirm that you don't have capital letters in your various resources See this page for examples.

Network Issues Relating to Cleartext

You may run into an issue that says: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted. It may look like this is an issue with the library, but it is actually a problem that is caused by the Android OS. To resolve it, check out the Stackoverflow answer here.

Issues Relating to Obfuscation And Minification

Some issues will only sprout up when you enable minification / obfuscation. The reason for this is that the class names, variables, methods, etc are being renamed and something is no longer working properly because of it. In most cases, the solution is to simply mark that class as exempt from the minification process using something like proguard, but not always. Below are some of the more common samples and how to resolve them.

NoSuchMethodException When Sorting

 java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getTitle []
     at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
     at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
     at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.misc.GenericComparator.getMethod(:329)
     at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.misc.GenericComparator.getValue(:355)
     at java.util.TimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending(
     at java.util.TimSort.sort(
     at java.util.Arrays.sort(
     at java.util.ArrayList.sort(
     at java.util.Collections.sort(
     at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.MiscUtilities.sortGenericList(:609)

This issue is caused by a combination of your POJO being obfuscated, minification being set to true, and the class methods not being exempted by the proguard declaration page. The idea is that it is trying to get the method name that you specify, IE getTitle() or getName() and it cannot find the method because the methods have been renamed to a or b.

To resolve this, simply add this code to your proguard file:

-keepnames class com.yourpackagename.pojopackage.** { *; }
-keepclassmembernames com.yourpackagename.pojopackage.** {
    public <methods>;
    public <fields>;


-keepnames class com.yourpackagename.pojopackage.SomeClass { *; }
-keepclassmembernames com.yourpackagename.pojopackage.SomeClass {
    public <methods>;
    public <fields>;

The difference between the first and second one here is just whether your want to keep the method names of all in a package (the first one) or just the one class (the second one).

Note that if you have properly called @Serialized over all of the variable names, then you shouldn't need the keepnames class line, but I wrote it in just in case and having it alongside the serialized variables does not hurt a thing.

More info can be found here if you want to read up on it.

Realm Exceptions

IllegalArgumentException With the PGMacTipsModule

You may run into this issue when running your app on production environments:

com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.PGMacTipsModule is not a RealmModule. Add @RealmModule to the class definition.
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.PGMacTipsModule is not a RealmModule. Add @RealmModule to the class definition.
	at f.c.v$a.a(:3)
	at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.a(:11)
	... 8 more

This is caused by a combination of the PGMacTips dependency not being included in the Proguard file + Utilizing Realm DB + minification being set to true.

To resolve this issue, just add PGMacTips and realm to your Proguard file and you should be good to go:

    # PGMacTips Proguard Bypass
    -dontwarn com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.**
    -keep class com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.** { *; }
    # Realm Proguard Bypass
	-keep @interface io.realm.annotations.RealmModule { *; }
	-keep class io.realm.annotations.RealmModule { *; }
	-keep class io.realm.annotations.RealmModule
	-keep @io.realm.annotations.RealmModule class *
	-keep class io.realm.internal.Keep
	-keep @io.realm.internal.Keep class *
	-dontwarn javax.
	-dontwarn io.realm.**
	-keepnames public class * extends io.realm.RealmObject
	-keep class * extends io.realm.RealmObject


Your build may work just fine when debugging, but break when you try to make an APK file. If it does not work when you do this and this error appears:

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithMultidexlistForDebug'.
> Error while generating the main dex list.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at


This issue was discovered with Issue 3 and is related to version compatability issues relating to a dependency or yours clashing with one of mine. Normally this is fixed by following the logic in one of the following stackoverflow links: Solution 1, solution 2, or Solution 3.

Sometimes, however, none of these will resolve your issue. Don't despair though! This can happen when a dependency has made changes that are breaking a core section of my code. An example would be Realm when it upgraded from versions 3.0.0 to 4.2.0 we saw an enormous number of breaking changes and it caused this issue to come about.

If you happen to be in this situation, either make a new issue or message me with the info and I will work to get an update out as soon as I am able.

Update: the issue has been resolved since 2018-08-16 in version 0.0.66. and the solution to fix it was declared within the issue description and comments.


If you upgrade from an old version of the library to a new one (or vice-versa) and see this error when running your code:

   java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method not implemented
       at io.realm.internal.RealmProxyMediator.validateTable(
       at io.realm.Realm.initializeRealm(
       at io.realm.Realm.createAndValidate(
       at io.realm.Realm.createInstance(
       at io.realm.RealmCache.createRealmOrGetFromCache(
       at io.realm.Realm.getInstance(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.buildRealm(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.queryDatabaseMasterAll(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.queryDatabaseMasterSingle(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.queryDatabaseMasterSingle(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.deleteFromMasterDB(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.deleteFromMasterDB(
       at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.dePersistObject(

You may be using conflicting versions of Realm. As mentioned in the Realm section above, if you use PGMacTips version 0.0.66 or later and utilize the DatabaseUtilities class, you must use Realm 4.2.0 but if you use this library version 0.0.64 or lower, you must use Realm version 3.0.0.

Double check your versions for both Realm and this library if you spot this error.

RuntimeException From RealmModule

If you are using minification and happen to spot this particular error:

   java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.yourapp.misc.MyApplication: 
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.utilities.DatabaseUtilities.PGMacTipsModule 
      is not a RealmModule. Add @RealmModule to the class definition.

You just need to include these in your proguard file:

    -keep @interface io.realm.annotations.RealmModule { *; }
    -keep class io.realm.annotations.RealmModule { *; }

And it should resolve the issue. (Make sure to clean / rebuild your project!)

GSON Exceptions

If you update to a recent version of PGMacTips and spot this exception:

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Method '' is inaccessible to class 'retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonRequestBodyConverter' (declaration of 'retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonRequestBodyConverter' appears in /data/app/yourpackage.goeshere-iLN0r7WNM7b7sl4TeXJkNQ==/base.apk!classes5.dex)
        at retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonRequestBodyConverter.convert(
        at retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonRequestBodyConverter.convert(
        at retrofit2.ParameterHandler$Body.apply(
        at retrofit2.RequestFactory.create(
        at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.createRawCall(
        at retrofit2.OkHttpCall.enqueue(
        at retrofit2.ExecutorCallAdapterFactory$ExecutorCallbackCall.enqueue(
        at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.networkclasses.retrofitutilities.RetrofitParser.parse(
        at com.pgmacdesign.pgmactips.networkclasses.retrofitutilities.RetrofitParser.parse(
        at yourpackage.goeshere.nativelayer.activities.YourActivity.makeAPICall(
        at yourpackage.goeshere.nativelayer.activities.YourActivity.lambda$initUI$0$YourActivity(
        at yourpackage.goeshere.nativelayer.activities.-$$Lambda$YourActivity$cIV-FclvT-rSRXQwknkMtj6JfGs.onClick(Unknown Source:2)
        at android.view.View.performClick(
        at android.view.View.performClickInternal(
        at android.view.View.access$3500(
        at android.view.View$
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

It is caused by GSON Being out of sync with The Retrofit GSON Converter as the converter is requiring a minimum version to access previously hidden messages.

To resolve it, make sure you have the most current version of GSON, but also confirm that none of your nested dependencies contain a reference to it. The easiest way to do this is within Android Studio itself. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on gradle on the right side of the screen (with the elephant logo)
  2. Navigate down in your main app module to Tasks --> android --> androidDependencies. Double click to run it.
  3. It will show all of your nested dependencies. cmd / ctrl + F to find 'gson' and see where the culprit is.

Google Play Services Issues

Play-Services-Basement Issue

You may run into this issue at some point:

Failed to resolve:

This issue can be caused by a few things, but the most common solutions are these three: One, Two, and Three. If they don't work for you, try looking at how my top-level build.gradle and project-level build.gradle files are structured

New Issues

If you run into any compatability issues or bugs, please make a new issue ASAP so I can take a look at it.


An eclectic group of utilities and code wrappers to reduce boilderplate code in new projects







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