This repository is part of the PLCnext Toolchain and provides an Eclipse IDE plugin for programming for PLCnext Technology in high level language. The PLCnext CLI provides the entire toolchain for programming on the PLCnext Technology platform.
The main repository for the CLI can be found here.
If you want the latest release version of the PLCnext CLI, you can find it in the PLCnext toolchain product page.
For more information and first steps with PLCnext Technology please visit our PLCnext Community.
The following steps describe how to build a fully functional PLCnCLI eclipse plugin locally on your machine to test the newest version or to test your own changes.
cd src/build
mvn -D eclipse-repo.url= clean compile package
- Update site can be found in
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Furthermore you can help us by discussing issues and let us know where you have problems or where others could struggle.
You can give feedback to this project in different ways:
- Ask a question in our PLCnext Community Forum.
- File a bug or request a new feature in GitHub Issues.
Copyright (c) Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co KG. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the EPL-2.0 License.