Python module used for the school project OWOI (One Word One Image)
After git cloning the repository, you can install the dependencies with the following command:
poetry install
Please provide your credentials in the following environment variables:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/credentials.json"
export GOOGLE_SEARCH_ID="id"
This class is used to create a transcript from a text file. It will create a list of words and a list of timestamps.
from owoi_audio_to_clip.TranscriptFactory import TranscriptFactory
transcript_factory = TranscriptFactory(gcs_uri="gs://bucket/file.mp3")
- transcribe_audio_to_text() -> list[dict]: transcribe audio to text from the gcs_uri and returns a list of dict with the following keys: "word", "start_time" and "end_time"
- get_word_timestamps() -> list[dict]: returns a list of dict with the following keys: "word", "start_time" and "end_time"
This Class should be used to create a transcript from a text file before creating a clip with the ClipMakerFactory.
This class is used to create a clip from a transcript.
from owoi_audio_to_clip.ClipMakerFactory import ClipMakerFactory
clip_maker_factory = ClipMakerFactory(video_name, username, transcript, gcs_bucket_name, local_storage_path, gcs_audio_name, with_subtitles=True)
- video_name:str -> name of the video
- username:str -> name of the user
- transcript:list[WordTimestamp] -> list of WordTimestamp
- gcs_bucket_dest:str -> name of the gcs bucket destination
- local_storage:str -> path to the local storage destination
- gcs_audio_path:str -> path to the audio file in the gcs bucket
- with_subtitles:bool -> if True, subtitles will be added to the video
- clip_maker(word_timestamps: list[WordTimestamp]) -> VideoFileClip: creates a clip from the transcript and returns a VideoFileClip
from owoi_audio_to_clip.utils import upload_audio_to_gcs, upload_video_to_gcs, purge_local_storage_images
upload_audio_to_gcs(bucket_name, username, audio_name, local_storage_path)
upload_video_to_gcs(bucket_name, username, video_name, local_storage_path)
download_audio_from_youtube(youtube_url, local_dest, username, audio_name, start_time, end_time, gcs_bucket_name)
This function is used to download an audio file from a youtube video, and upload it to the gcs bucket.
- youtube_url:str -> url of the youtube video
- local_dest:str -> path to the local storage destination (where the audio file will be downloaded, the program will create a folder with the username, and put the audio in an 'audios' folder)
- username:str -> name of the user
- audio_name:str -> name of the audio file
- start_time:str -> start time of the audio file extracted from the youtube video
- end_time:str -> end time of the audio file extracted from the youtube video
- gcs_bucket_name:str -> name of the gcs bucket destination