Vignette on implementing XGBoost using credit card fraud data; created as a class project for PSTAT197A in Fall 2023.
Contributors: Mu Niu, Qifei Cui, Yixin Xue, Amber Wang, David Lin
Vignette abstract: Our vignette presents a comprehensive exploration of XGBoost, including its mathematical principles, programming language support, and practical application in classification problems. Our vignette is conducted on a simulated “Credit Card Fraud” dataset obtained on Kaggle ( This dataset presents a binary classification problem, classifying transactions as either fraudulent or legitimate. With 8 variables and a total of 1,000,000 observations. Our model has an AUC score of 0.99988, indicating that the model is almost a perfect classifier. Such an unusual result is probably because the simulated dataset is designed for practice purposes.
Repository contents:
root directory
├── data
├── raw
├── processed
├── scripts
├── drafts
├── vignette-script.R
├── img
├── vignette.qmd
├── vignette.html
├── vignette-xgboost.Rproj
Reference list:
Chen, Tianqi, and Carlos Guestrin. "Xgboost: A scalable tree boosting system." Proceedings of the 22nd acm sigkdd international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. 2016.
He, Shen, et al. “An Effective Cost-Sensitive XGBoost Method for Malicious Urls Detection in Imbalanced Dataset.” IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 93089–93096, doi:10.1109/access.2021.3093094.
Narayanan R, Dhanush. “Credit Card Fraud”, Accessed 06 Dec. 2023.
“XGBoost Documentation.” XGBoost Documentation - Xgboost 2.0.2 Documentation,