This repository holds examples for gating s-parameters in the time-domain.
Click the "launch binder" badge above to open the notebook showing the traditional time gating process.
The provided script operates with large covariance matrices and is not really suited to be used in
git clone
Install a fairly recent version of Python (3.9+) on your machine.
On a (Linux) shell or (Windows) powershell execute:
# create directory for your python environments
cd ~
mkdir python_envs
# create new environment for this project
cd ~/python_envs
python -m venv time_gating
# activate the new python environment
source ~/python_envs/time_gating/bin/activate
# or on powershell:
# ~\python_venv\time_gating\Scripts\Activate.ps1
# change into project's git repo
cd ~/path/to/git/repo/time-gating-examples
# setup the environment by installing the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
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