Salesmigo project hosted on vercel
We use face recognition for customer detection at entry, customer sentiment analysis and capture cutomer feedback gestures across your entire retail store and give you the best possible analysis of your customer.
Salesmigo is your key to multiplying your sales you make! Elevate your workforce to bring out the best in them, productivity and accuracy! In short a salesperson's best amigo!
Client: ReactJS(NextJS framework),face-api.js, tfjs-core, Styled Components, ReactDnD
Server: NodeJS(ExpressJS framework), face-api.js, tfjs-node, AWS
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Salesmigo
Install dependencies
npm install
To start the server it in development mode,
npm run dev
To build and run the server in production mode(Recommended)
npm run build
npm run start
To setup the project, navigate to the main project folder and run
npm install
To run it in development mode,
npm run dev
To build and run in production (Recommended)
npm run build
npm run start
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
Insert gif or link to demo
Answer 1
Answer 2
If you have any feedback or queries, please reach out to us at