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nBot - extendable bot written in javascript#

Build Status Code Climate

Table of contents

  • Table of contents
  • Setup
  • API
  • List of current functions
  • Why nBot



nBot requires both Node.js >= 0.10 and MongoDB >= 2.4 to be installed in order to work.

Installation steps

  • 1: Clone repository
  • 2: Enter repository
  • 3: Type npm install
  • 4: That's it!


To start bot up you need to create two files in config directory: bot.js and oAuth.js. To simplify the process, config directory already has file and example.oAuth.js file that you only need to copy and slightly modify for your own use. Remember though, that oAuth.js is required, even if it will be just a just name-changed example file. Options names should be self-explanatory, but for the sake of README, I'll list them anyways.

  • {irc} Options used by node-irc library on top which nBot is built on. For list of available options visit node-irc documentation
  • {options} Options object used by nBot itself, not required options are commented and prepended with *
    • commandCharacter character (or string) on which if found the bot will execute commands
    • defaultLang default language for command descriptions
    • {urlScrapeTitle} Object with configuration options for urlScraping
      • begin String prepended to the title
      • repost String prepended to user's nickname that posted link for the first time
    • root Your irc nickname - used for creation of database document with root permissions
    • {database} Object with database configuration options
      • type Database type, currently the only supported is mongodb
      • url Database connection string
      • *user - Database user
      • *password Database password


The nBot is built with an idea to easily extend his current public methods amount. At the moment nBot has an impressive amount of 22 public methods (private module for eval included) and 4 private methods.

Adding new method is as easy as copying example.method file in api directory and adding your own functionality to the method variable. In the end save your file anywhere in api directory with filename same as call method for users.

In short

  • Copy api/example.method anywhere to api folder and rename it to yourNewMethod.js.
  • Add your logic into method variable.
  • Change command's defaults: description, aliases and level
  • Create docstring for your command
  • Write test (or not) for your new command.
  • If you'll somehow need private module for your functionality, feel free to create it by prepending __ to it's name - it will be skipped on bot's startup.
  • That's it! New command will be automatically loaded on next bot's startup.

List of functions


  • 8ball Returns 8ballish posibility of provided action
  • evaluate Evaluates provided string in virtual machine enviroment in forked process
  • alias Returns all aliases for provided command
  • catapi Returns a link to random cat picture using catapi
  • dice Returns called dice throws.
  • google Returns first google result for provided string
  • help Returns help for provided command
  • list Lists all currently available methods
  • lmgtfy Shows link to Let Me Google This For You query
  • memo Creates memo for a user.
  • message Sends private message to a user
  • pick Returns pick order of provided strings.
  • say Says the provided strings.
  • seen Returns date when user was last seen.
  • shout Shouts the provided string using FIGLET


  • invite Invites user to current channel
  • kick Kicks user from current channel
  • topic Changes current channel's topic
  • user Users configuration collective command

Why nBot?

I always really wanted to create an easily extandable irc bot that can be forked and hacked on by beginners. Right not the code isn't really tested, but it works well and is quite safe.


Node.js irc bot






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