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Releases: PandaHugMonster/php-simputils


17 Nov 16:13
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  • Fixed issue of DatePeriod with PHP Release version 8.2 . #170


18 Aug 21:23
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Lots of changes including almost a year of development. My apologies for the delay.


01 Aug 05:08
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  • Fixed the ".env" autoload respect of the "working_dir" which was not working


31 Jul 21:13
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  • Implemented method \spaf\simputils\models\Box::batch() that allows to easily export items
    of specified keys to the local variable scope
  • Implemented methods setFromData() and meta-magic methods ___serialize() and
    ___deserialize() to fix PHP native serialization/deserialization for the
    following classes:
    • \spaf\simputils\models\Version
    • \spaf\simputils\models\UrlObject
    • \spaf\simputils\models\Time
    • \spaf\simputils\models\L10n
    • \spaf\simputils\models\IPv4Range
    • \spaf\simputils\models\IPv4
    • \spaf\simputils\models\File
    • \spaf\simputils\models\Dir
    • \spaf\simputils\models\DateTimeZone
    • \spaf\simputils\models\DateTime
    • \spaf\simputils\models\DatePeriod
    • \spaf\simputils\models\DateInterval
    • \spaf\simputils\models\Date
    • \spaf\simputils\models\DataUnit
    • \spaf\simputils\models\BigNumber
  • Code Sniffer is removed from the project (got really annoyed, and it does not work correctly)
  • \spaf\simputils\models\Time and \spaf\simputils\models\Date have been refactored a bit.
    The caching mechanics has been fixed.
    • Additionally have been added the properties for \spaf\simputils\models\Date
      and \spaf\simputils\models\Time from the target DateTime object
    • \spaf\simputils\models\Date and \spaf\simputils\models\Time result of for_system
      now returns the whole DateTime string value of UTC, not only the date or time component.
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\generic\BasicExecEnvHandler Execution-Environment (aka stages),
    besides that implemented \spaf\simputils\generic\BasicInitConfig::@$ee property that
    automatically will be assigned during PHP::init(), the object or params could be
    adjusted in the incoming config, example:
       $ic = PHP::init([
         'l10n' => 'AT',
         //	'ee' => new DummyExecEnvHandler(false, ee_name: 'TOO'),
         'ee' => [
             'ee' => 'test3-local',
             'is_hierarchical' => true,
             'permitted_values' => [
       pd("{$ic->ee}", Boolean::to($ic->ee->is('test4-local')));
    For now not much of documentation is provided, but you always can define your own
    implementation of the class like \spaf\simputils\components\execenvs\DummyExecEnvHandler
    to handle your Exec-Env/stages implementation! More documentation and example will follow.
  • Additionally implemented \spaf\simputils\components\execenvs\DummyExecEnvHandler
    which is a dummy handler that just returns the predefined value. Should not be used
    on production.
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\exceptions\ExecEnvException exception for Exec-Env cases
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\models\Box::popFromStart() and
    \spaf\simputils\models\Box::popFromEnd() methods to get value from the box, return
    and remove it from the box.
  • Implemented tests for:
    • Exec-Env
    • Box batch functionality


27 Jul 12:56
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  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\basic\with functionality of a transactional style like
    python with command. Really useful for DB and other connection types.


19 Jul 14:41
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  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\components\normalizers\BoxNormalizer To normalize simple
    arrays when assigned to Properties


26 Jun 12:32
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Change-log 1.1.0

  • Implemented FS::require(), FS::include() and FS::data()
  • Implemented PHP::listOfExecPhpFileExtensions(), PHP::listOfExecPhpMimeTypes()
  • Now array/box argument for File constructor is allowed (like for FS::locate())
  • Added support of FS::locate() alike array/box of path components for fl(),
    FS::file() and File. So now fl(['part1', 'part2', 'file.txt']) will make a file
    object with path: "{working-dir}/part1/part2/file.txt"
  • In BasicInitConfig introduced component-aware $allowed_data_dirs for specifying
    allowed data-dirs
  • Introduced new exceptions: DataDirectoryIsNotAllowed, IPParsingException
  • Implemented the shortcut for the "InitConfig". Now instead of
    $config = PHP::getInitConfig() you can use a shortcut $config = ic()
  • Fixed some of the logic related to "l10n" and "default_tz" more you can find here:
    Nuances of l10n and default_tz
  • Implemented list of days of the week: \spaf\simputils\DT::getListOfDaysOfWeek()
  • Implemented list of months: \spaf\simputils\DT::getListOfMonths()
  • Incorporated all the previous minor-version patches
    • To set the timezone for "DateTime" object now can be done by "strings" instead of
      creation of "DateTimeZone" object every single time
    • Other minimal changes
  • Implemented trait \spaf\simputils\traits\ComparablesTrait which enables to implement
    common set of comparing functionality (equalsTo, greaterThan, lessThan,
    greaterThanEqual, lessThanEqual) and their shortcuts (e, gt, lt,
    gte, lte). Currently used in Version and IPv4 models
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\models\IPv4 and \spaf\simputils\models\IPv4Range models
    with minimal but nice functionality
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\models\UrlObject model
    and \spaf\simputils\models\urls\processors\HttpProtocolProcessor
    • The most of the stuff should work out of the box except lack
      of "to punycode" conversion. Cyrillic and other non-latin domains are
      not converted to punycode.
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\System::localIp() that gets the local IP
  • Implemented shortcuts url() for \spaf\simputils\models\UrlObject model and
    ip() for \spaf\simputils\models\IPv4
  • Added \spaf\simputils\components\normalizers\IPNormalizer property normalizer
  • Implementation of \spaf\simputils\PHP::bro() method (\spaf\simputils\models\BoxRO)
    which is basically "immutable Box"
  • Implemented shortcuts for getting POST and GET data as bros (BoxRO). Please keep
    in mind that they are immutable due to best-practices:
    • \spaf\simputils\PHP::POST()
    • \spaf\simputils\PHP::GET()
  • Implemented \spaf\simputils\PHP::objToNaiveString() method to generate simple/naive
    object representation
  • Implemented some relevant tests
  • Important: Functionality of the Box is slightly extended. Now you can re-define static
    \spaf\simputils\models\Box::$default_separator variable value to string that should be used
    during \spaf\simputils\models\Box::join() and \spaf\simputils\models\Box::implode() as
    a separator by default (initially default is ", " as it was before).
    Additionally you can specify \spaf\simputils\models\Box::$separator on per object basis
    that will be used in the object in case of "join" or "implode" without the first argument.
    That functionality allows to create "path-ready" Box-arrays, that can by default
    be automatically converted into a "unix" path.
    \spaf\simputils\models\Box::$joined_to_str per object variable allows to define that
    this Box-object needs to be converted in __toString() method
    through \spaf\simputils\models\Box::join() method, which is really useful for "path-ready"
    Box-arrays. See example here: Path-alike Box-array
  • For convenience create method-shortcut
    to set Box as "Path-alike": \spaf\simputils\models\Box::pathAlike()
  • Added missing data-blocks for different locales


14 Jun 12:44
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Tiny fix for "null" in normalizers/validators issue


12 May 10:46
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Patch 1.0.4

Somehow the setTimezone update was not

`setTimezone()`` as well is chainable.
$t = ts('previous monday 23:00', true)


12 May 10:43
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Patch 1.0.3

Somehow the setTimezone update was not

`setTimezone()`` as well is chainable.
$t = ts('previous monday 23:00', true)