This Python package contains metadata for Pandora and basic functions describing things such as detector sensitivity and zeropoint estimation.
To install you can use
pip install pandorasat --upgrade
You should update your package often, as we frequently put out new versions with updated Current Best Estimates, and some limited new functionality. Check your version number using
import pandorasat as ps
This repository helps you understand what the Pandora SmallSat will be capabale of.
Below is an example usage of some of the functionality in this package. In general, this package will allow you to get metadata from specific subsystems of Pandora.
from pandorasat import VisibleDetector, NIRDetector
visda = VisibleDetector()
nirda = NIRDetector()
See our API documentation for full details on the metadata available in this package.
To update any of the values or functions contained within pandora-sat
due to new testing, commissioning, etc., please open a pull request. Update the relevant values or functions on your branch and then the updates will be reviewed prior to being merged into the main branch of pandora-sat