Final project of app to Microprocessor's System II and Design Laboratory project at Electronics faculty. Full project:
Simple logger of developement boards rented by students on laboratories.
##More about project:
Project uses STM32F401RE Nucleo board, NodeMCU v0.9, LCD HD44780 16x2 with I2C converter and RC522 RFID module. Moreover, it uses Firebase.
More informations and screenshots in documentation [PL]:
Connect everyting following schematic
- Program Nucleo board using source files. During developement we used Keil software.
- Download necessary Arduino libs and install them: Firebase-Arduino, ArduinoJson, LiquidCrystal_I2C, ESP8266
- Configure NodeMCU by changing following lines of code:
#define FIREBASE_HOST ""
#define WIFI_SSID "XXX"
After that, program using Arduino IDE.
- Reading UID of RFID cards using RC522 module
- Debug through UART
- Connection to Firebase through Wi-Fi
- Mateusz Kapala (
- Jan Gąsienica-Józkowy (
Feel free to use.