A gamemode for SA:MP.
Originaly made by Papawy.
See the roadmap here.
+ core < include all necessary files
- Utils
+ utils_functions < usefull functions (SendClientMessageEx, GetPlayerNameEx, etc.)
+ gui_utils < usefull things for GUI (screen dimensions, etc.)
+ gui_fields < user can type text in, and you get the text back like a Dialog
+ gui_buttons < simple textdraw buttons !
+ gui_backgrounds < simple backgrounds
+ gui_textbox < text in a box, that's all !
+ gui_checkbox < check box ; user can make choices
+ gui_textlabel < simple text, used in backgrounds(soon)
- MySQL :
+ mysql_infos < mysql informations & vars
+ mysql_init < initialise mysql connection
- Server infos
+ server_infos < server infos (players connected, etc) AND loading configuration & data files
- Player
+ players_vars < standardize players information backups
+ players_infos < enumeration of infos for each player
+ players_connection < obvious
+ players_registration < obvious
+ players_login < obvious
+ players_disconnection < obvious
- Character
+ characters_infos < enumeration of infos for each character
- Character
+ characters_infos < enumeration of infos for each character
+ characters_vars < load & save & create functions for each character
+ charaters_id_manager < manage Pawn characters IDs
+ characters_creation < creation of character by the player (with GUI)
- Commands
+ commands_config < configuration (color, format, etc.)
+ commands_functions < functions used in commands
+ commands_generals < help, etc.
+ commands_tchat < all tchat commands (tchat IC, OOC, /me, /do, etc.)
To compile this gamemode you need this includes :