Circular progress view developed in swift
pod 'CircleProgressView', :git => '', :tag => '0.9.10'
Add UIView in your storyboard and change class to CircleProgressView
You can configure the UIView directly in the storyboard using these IBInspectable variables:
@IBInspectable public var circleColor: UIColor = UIColor(hex: 0xE3C79B)
@IBInspectable public var progressColor: UIColor = UIColor(hex: 0xE46D71)
@IBInspectable public var clockWise: Bool = true
@IBInspectable public var lineWidth: CGFloat = 4.0
@IBInspectable public var valueProgress: Float = 0
In your UIViewController subclass:
@IBOutlet weak var loadingGraphView: CircleProgressView!
//value between 0 and 100
func update(progress: Float) {
self.loadingGraphView!.valueProgress = progress
I will make this repo public soon. For feedback or suggestions submmit an issue.