This sofware implements a parallel Locality-Sensitive Hashing based heuristic algorithm to construct overlap graphs for large genomic datasets.
- A modern, C++11 ready compiler such as
version 4.7 or higher orclang
version 3.2 or higher. - The cmake build system (Version >= 2.8.11).
- A 64-bit Linux system.
- An MPI implementation. Tested with OpenMPI and MPICH only.
bruno/bliss librares are included as a submodules under the directory ext/bliss. Initialize the submodules as below, if they are not already initialized.
git submodule init
git submodule update
bruno/bliss also depends upon mxx and google sparse hash, we initialize them as follows
cd ext/bliss
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ../../
A bug in bruno is causes a error for compilation. So, we apply a patch on bruno/bliss as follows
patch -p0 < bliss.patch
Now, we are read to build the executable. First, compile google's sparshash so that the header files are configured properly.
cd ext/bliss/ext/sparshash
cd ../../../../
Next, create a build directory outside of the source directory. For example,
mkdir build
cd build
Finally, build the executable find_seq_overlaps as follows.
cmake ../
The name of the executable is find_seq_overlaps. Input files are provided in the FASTQ format. Input arguments are providede as follows:
find_seq_overlaps [-R <string>] [-C <string>] [-r <unsigned>] [-k
<int>] [-M <int>] [-T <int>] [-B <int>] [-d <int>]
[-O <string>] [-p <string>] -t <string> [--]
[--version] [-h] <file_names> ...
-R <string>, --true_file <string>
File with true pairs
-C <string>, --candidate_file <string>
File with candidate pairs
-r <unsigned>, --read_length <unsigned>
read length
-k <int>, --kmer_length <int>
Kmer Length
-M <int>, --max_bucket_size <int>
Max Bucket Size
-T <int>, --block_size <int>
Block Size
-B <int>, --block_count <int>
Number of blocks
-d <int>, --overlap_threshold <int>
Minimum Overlap
-O <string>, --output_prefix <string>
Prefix for output files, including directory
-p <string>, --position_file <string>
Position for input file (full path)
-t <string>, --run_type <string>
(required) Type of run : One of 'candidate', 'true', 'eval'
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
<string> (accepted multiple times)
FASTA or FASTQ file names