Prerequisite : JDK 1.8.xx +
- Install Apache Tomcat server from the following location: (Based on system config, please install the relevant Tomcat version)
- Extract the binary zip file to any location.
- Open webapps folder and clone project code from the following github location:
(Following step requires Maven to be installed. If Maven is not installed please follow the instructions provided in the following link
- Navigate to REST folder and open command from there and run the below command to compile: mvn clean install
- To bring up the application use the below command: java -jar target/math-board-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Once the application is up, please hit the below URL in Chrome browser: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Click on Math Expression Evaluator
- Click on Try it out
- Provide an expression which is space separated (Ex: 1 + 2 + 6) in expression text field
- Click on Execute
- You can see the result in Response Body section
- Open apache tomcat folder and navigate to conf folder
- Open server.xml and change the port number in tag to 8081 and save the file. (If not used by other application, otherwise change port number to which is available)
- Navigate to bin folder and double click on startup.bat (for Windows OS).
- Once the application is up, hit the following URL: http://localhost:8081/math-board/UI