Hi, this is a test Task project for possible Employment in the www.Omega.ir company
###migration commands: assuming we are in /TestTaskOmega/ solution
adding migration for identity :
dotnet ef migrations add "MYmigration" --context ApplicationUserDbcontext --project ./TestTaskOmega.Identity --startup-project ./TestTaskOmega.API
adding migration for All Enitities we have one which is called Services
dotnet ef migrations add "MYmigration" --context ApplicationDbcontext --project ./TestTaskOmega.DataAccess --startup-project ./TestTaskOmega.API
and to update the database :
for identity :
dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationUserDbcontext --project ./TestTaskOmega.Identity --startup-project ./TestTaskOmega.API
for entities :
dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationDbcontext --project ./TestTaskOmega.DataAccess --startup-project ./TestTaskOmega.API
although I have a command in the code that automatically creates and updates the database whenever it is in the developer environment and we have a pending migration.
there is an admin use seeded in the IdentitySeeds/UserSeed :
Id = "8e445865-a24d-4543-a6c6-9443d048cdb9",
Email = "admin@admin.com",
UserName = "admin",
Password = "P@ssword1"
you can log in with that and start creating and managing users. and you can start creating users. You can copy and paste the following :
"username": "admin",
"password": "P@ssword1"
after that you can make a new user using the CreateUser Endpoint (Only Managers can Create a new user):
"email": "user@user.com",
"username": "user",
"password": "P@ssw0rd"
the project uses JSON Web Token Authentication :
it has swagger UI for automatically attaching your token after you get it click Login and type Bearer yourtokenwithoutparathesis
all authenticated users can use the Services
API: Only Admins can use UserManager.
if you have a question email me at parsamokhtarihessar@gmail.com
things that remain to do:
✓implement soft delete to prevent data corruption.
validation for email.
making EntityHistory more memory efficient!
✓implement GetAllDeleted(),
✓ServiceResponce.cs/ making sure it brings back the correct status code
✓User-friendly Exceptions.
extract History Adding logic
Debugg and Polish!
{in debugging it must return user Id as part of the claims and it doesn't also the mapping does not work you have to figure it out!}