A model has a life-cycle, and this very simple knowledge provides the backbone for both modeling a dataset and understanding the tf.keras API.
The five steps in the life-cycle are as follows:
- Define the model
- Compile the model
- Fit the model
- Evaluate the model
- Make predictions
- No. of Classes - 7
- Name of Classes - 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 2000
- Custom Dataset
- Resizing Images to (300,300,3) in the local machine using Icecream Image Resizer
- No. of (training + validation) images - 1239
- No. of test images - 55
- Resizing images to (128, 128, 3)
- Splitting data
- Training - 992 images
- Validation - 247 images
- Normalizing the images
- Shuffling the training dataset
- Interpolation - Bicubic
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Sequential model built from scratch
- No. of layers used - 18
- Activation Function - ReLU, Softmax
- Optimization Algorithm - Adam
- Learning Rate - 0.0001
- Loss Function - SparseCategoricalCrossentropy
- loss: 0.030041895806789398
- accuracy: 0.9959514141082764