- Visual overview of a basic app
- Basics of programming
- Basics of Object-Oriented programming
- Basics of Objective-C
- Basics of Xcode
- Basics of iOS
- Stanford lectures
- Delegation
- Documentation
- Builing a basic app (checklist)
- The usual parts
- UIView
- UIButton
- UIViewController
- UITableView
- UICollectionView
- UINavigationController
- UITabController
- The usual parts
- Sign-up
- Pay
- Deploy to a device
- NSLog
- Classes and Objects
- Properties
- Methods
- Subclasses
- This is the first pattern
- Delegates
- awakeFromNib
- use a -setup method which can be called from initWithFrame and awakeFromNib
- viewDidLoad
- outlets are set
- initialize here, but don't work with geometry
- viewWillAppear / viewDidAppear
- bounds are set
- can work with screen size geometry, if not using autolayout
- viewWillLayoutSubviews / viewDidLayoutSubviews
- can work with screen size geometry, if using autolayout
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