This is a restful API build in TypeScript for the usage of a frontend developper.
The API use Postgresql for storing store informations.
The database schema and Endpoint can be found in the file.
For using this package, you must installed all dependencies by running yarn
or npm install
to run the API.
Docker didn't work on my computer so i used a local database.
Connect to the default database postgres as the server's root user by running psql -U postgres
The database will run on port 5432
Then create the database user with CREATE USER fullstack_student with PASSWORD 'fullstack';
Create the databases needed: CREATE DATABASE storefront_db;
CREATE DATABASE storefront_db_test;
Assign fullstack_student user privileges on the two tables: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE storefront_db TO fullstack_student
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE storefront_db_test TO fullstack_student
Inside the repository's main directory, create a text file named .env
that will hold the configuration. The file should look like this:
If the variable ENV has the value test, the storefront_db_test will be used instead of storefront_db.
npm run start
or npm run watch
: run the server at the port 3000 if the variable ENV has the value dev so you you can access the localhost server by the URL http://localhost:3000 which show you a greeting message and if the variable ENV has the value test the server will listen at port 3001 and the URL will be http://localhost:3001
npm run build
: build
npm run lint
: lint
npm run prettier
: prettier
npm run dev-up
: migrate up (creating tables for the database storefront_db) for dev database
npm run dev-down
: migrate down (deleting tables for the database storefront_db) for dev database
npm run test-up
: migrate up (creating tables for the database storefront_db_test) for test database
npm run test-down
: migrate up (deleting tables for the database storefront_db) for test database
npm run test
: for running unit tests
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/user to show all the users registrered
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/user/:id to show a particular user registrered with the
- [POST ] http://localhost:3000/user/authenticate to authenticate an user
- [POST] http://localhost:3000/user/create to create an user with his username, firstname, lastname and password
- [PUT] http://localhost:3000/user/update/:id to update user's informations registrered
- [DELETE] http://localhost:3000/user/:id to remove an user registrered
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/product to show all the products registrered
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/product/:id to show a particular product registrered with the
- [POST] http://localhost:3000/product/create to create a product with his name, price and category
- [PUT] http://localhost:3000/product/update/:id to update product's informations registrered
- [DELETE] http://localhost:3000/product/:id to remove a product registrered
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/order/:id to show a particular order registrered with the
user - [POST] http://localhost:3000/order/create to create a order with his id_user, status, id_product and quantity