Script to generate polygons for Geoget from OpenStreetMap relations.
- Prepare data with list of relations
- COUNTRY_ID should match the list in the script
- data/COUNTRY_ID/meta.ini - contains czech description of the final package (without COUNTRY_ID and license)
- data/COUNTRY_ID/TAG_NAME.txt - file with the relation definition
- name of the file will be part of the used tag name in Geoget (ie. COUNTRY_ID/TAG_NAME.txt will generate 'COUNTRY_ID TAG_NAME' tag)
- lines starting with '# ' are comments
- other lines should have format OSM_RELATION_ID following with optional comment
- Run bin/ script
Ready to use installation packages are in export/polygons-LOWERCASE_COUNTRY_ID-VERSION.gip. Other genrated files should be silently ingored.
- Polygon genration is ignored when 'export/COUNTRY_ID TAG_NAME' folder exists.
- 'export/COUNTRY_ID TAG_NAME OSM_RELATION_NAME_OSM_RELATION_ID.html' files are from; If there is issue with given relation (ie. not closed error should appear there)
- Semi-automatic import of relations
- Detection of changes since last export
- Correct naming of polygons (corruently windows-1250 encoding is used)
State of current project: beta