This project is a comprehensive, high-performance online store developed using Next.js, a framework known for its robust features and fast, dynamic rendering capabilities. Styled with Stitches (a modern CSS-in-JS library), the application boasts a sleek, responsive, and maintainable design. The store leverages Stripe's API for efficient product management and secure payment processing, aligning with the headless e-commerce model for maximum frontend-backend decoupling.
- Headless Architecture: Fully headless setup where Stripe manages all product and order data, allowing flexible and modular frontend development.
- Server-side Rendering (SSR): Enhances user experience by ensuring pages load quickly with improved SEO.
- Static Site Generation (SSG): Pre-renders pages at build time, boosting performance and scalability.
- Secure Payment Integration: Utilizes Stripe Checkout to provide secure, reliable payment processing.
- Modern Styling: Styled with Stitches for fast, dynamic, and maintainable design customization.
- Next.js: A powerful framework for building server-rendered and statically generated React applications.
- Stitches: An advanced CSS-in-JS solution for responsive, themeable design.
- Stripe API: A leading payment processing API for seamless e-commerce management.
- RadixUi: A library of accessible, high-quality UI components for React, designed to be fully customizable and easy to integrate.
- useShoppingCart: A React hook that simplifies building and managing shopping carts in e-commerce applications, providing complete functionalities like adding/removing items, price calculation, and inventory control.
- Axios: A popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests, facilitating API calls with support for async operations, interceptors, and error handling.
- Keen Slider: A lightweight and flexible library for creating responsive, high-performance carousels and sliders, with support for custom animations and smooth navigation.
- Server-side Rendering (SSR): Optimizes dynamic content loading and improves SEO.
- Static Site Generation (SSG): Pre-builds static pages for enhanced speed and scalability.
- Headless E-commerce: Decouples the frontend from backend services for a flexible, adaptable architecture.
- Secure Payment Processing: Integrated with Stripe Checkout for a trusted, user-friendly checkout experience.
To run this project locally, follow these instructions:
- Create an account and project on Stripe
- Copy the public and private keys from the Stripe project
- Create a .env.local file in the root of the project
- Add the environment variables to the .env.local file, following the example in the .env.example file
- Paste the copied keys from your Stripe project into the respective environment variables
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd nextjs_shop
- Install Dependencies
npm install
# ou
yarn install