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Harvard CS50x — 2023

Table o'Contents



Course Resources

** [ CourseWork ] **

Module Type Title
_ Scratch _
0 Problem Set 0 Scratch
_ C _
1 Practice Problems 1 Debug
1 Practice Problems 1 Half
1 Practice Problems 1 Prime
1 Lab 1 Population
1 Problem Set 1 Hello
1 Problem Set 1 Mario-less
1 Problem Set 1 Mario-more
1 Problem Set 1 Cash
1 Problem Set 1 Credit
_ Arrays _
2 Practice Problems 2 Hours
2 Practice Problems 2 N0 V0w3ls
2 Practice Problems 2 Password
2 Lab 2 Scrabble
2 Problem Set 2 Readability
2 Problem Set 2 Bulbs
2 Problem Set 2 Caesar
2 Problem Set 2 Substitution
2 Problem Set 2 Wordle50
_ Algorithms _
3 Practice Problems 3 Recursive atoi
3 Practice Problems 3 Average Temperature
3 Practice Problems 3 Max
3 Practice Problems 3 Snackbar
3 Lab 3 Sort
3 Problem Set 3 Plurality
3 Problem Set 3 Runoff
3 Problem Set 3 Tideman
_ Memory _
4 Practice Problem 4 Bottom Up
4 Practice Problem 4 License
4 Lab 4 Smiley
4 Lab 4 Volume
4 Problem Set 4 Filter-less
4 Problem Set 4 Filter-more
4 Problem Set 4 Recover
4 Problem Set 4 Reverse
_ Data Structures _
5 Practice Problem 5 Trie
5 Lab 5 Inheritance
5 Problem Set 5 Speller
_ Python _
6 Practice Problem 6 Bank
6 Practice Problem 6 Figlet
6 Practice Problem 6 Jar
6 Practice Problem 6 Seven Day Average
6 Practice Problem 6 Taqueria
6 Lab 6 World Cup
6 Problem Set 6 Hello
6 Problem Set 6 Mario-less
6 Problem Set 6 Mario-more
6 Problem Set 6 Cash
6 Problem Set 6 Readability
6 Problem Set 6 DNA
_ SQL _
7 Lab 7 Songs
7 Problem Set 7 Movies
7 Problem Set 7 Fiftyville
_ HTML, CSS, JavaScript _
8 Lab 8 Trivia
8 Problem Set 8 Homepage
_ Flask _
9 Lab 9 Birthdays
9 Problem Set 9 Finance

** [ Notes ] **

Module Topic Notes
_ Scratch _
0 Lecture 0
_ C _
1 Lecture 1
1 Section 1
1 Shorts 1
_ Arrays _
2 Lecture 2
2 Section 2
2 Shorts 2
_ Algorithms _
3 Lecture 3
3 Section 3
3 Shorts 3
_ Memory _
4 Lecture 4
4 Section 4
4 Shorts 4
_ Data Structures _
5 Lecture 5
5 Section 5
5 Shorts 5
_ Python _
6 Lecture 6
6 Section 6
6 Shorts 6
_ SQL _
7 Lecture 7
7 Section 7
7 Shorts 7
_ HTML, CSS, JavaScript _
8 Lecture 8
8 Section 8
8 Shorts 8
_ Flask _
9 Lecture 9
9 Section 9
9 Shorts 9
_ Emoji _
10 Lecture 10
_ Cybersecurity _
11 Lecture 11

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