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Watson Text To Speech using PHP

PHPUnit Tests PHP Stan PHP Stan ECS Easy Coding Standard License

This package allows text to be converted to speech using the IBM Watson API.


This project has not been published as a package. To use it in your package add the following to your project.


"require": {
        // other dependances
        "pen-y-fan/watson-text-to-speech-php": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

Then run:

composer install

The package uses PSR-4 namespaces, meaning it is compatible with all PHP projects which implement PSR-4. The package is framework agnostics some additional Laravel specific features have been added, such as loading the required keys via the .env file.



First obtain an API key and Url, free from IBM Watson, the lite tier allows 10,000 characters per month. No credit card is required. For full instructions see Getting started with Text to Speech


Minimum required information to run the package.

use PenYFan\WatsonTextToSpeech\WatsonTextToSpeech;

$watson = new WatsonTextToSpeech();
$file = $watson->runTextToSpeech('This is the text you want to convert to speech');

This will save a mp3 (default) in the /public folder (or the folder you specified). The $file variable will confirm the path and filename.

Detailed explanation

Instantiate the project

After installing the package, instantiate WatsonTextToSpeech object

use PenYFan\WatsonTextToSpeech\WatsonTextToSpeech;

$watson = new WatsonTextToSpeech();

Setting API Key

Change to the API key in your Manage Credentials for Text to Speech.

  • e.g. f5sAznhrKQyvBFFaZbtF60m5tzLbqWhyALQawBg5TjRI

Note: This is the example from the IBM tutorial - it will not work!

$apiKey = 'f5sAznhrKQyvBFFaZbtF60m5tzLbqWhyALQawBg5TjRI';


Setting Watson Url

Set the Url to the region you selected when you signed up to the Watson API. This example is for London.

$watsonUrl = '';


Available regions:

Region Url
Washington DC

Setting output path

Set absolute or relative path of the directory where the output file is saved. You don't need to provide a file name as it will be auto generated. Care should be taken with relative paths, as it is relative to the originating file, e.g. this is could be index.php in the public directory.

$path = '/aboslute/path/to/directory';


This will set the path of the directory the file will be created in, if text to speech conversion is successful.

An empty string or invalid file directory will throw an exception.

Convert Text to Speech

Finally, call runTextToSpeech passing in the text to be convert to speech.

$text = 'This is some text I want converted to speech';

$file = $watson->runTextToSpeech($text);

$file will contain the file path, with the file name, in a date time UTC format + three digits random number, in the choose audio format. E.G. An mp3 audio format would be saved as: yyyymmdd-hhmmssUTCnnn.mp3

Exception handling

Every function throws an Exception in case of any error/issue. Bind the code block within a try-catch block to catch any exception that occurred.


try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Will throw an exception Not a valid audio format. as mp4 audio format is not supported as of now

Other callable methods

Set Audio Format
  • allowed formats: basic, flac, l16, ogg, ogg;codecs=opus, ogg;codecs=vorbis, mp3, mpeg, mulaw, wav, webm, webm;codecs=opus and webm;codecs=vorbi
  • default: mp3

For full details see the IBM Watson Text to Speech documentation

Set Language

The language can be set as follows:


The language and voice combination must match the name is the list.

  • allowed languages: ar-AR, de-DE, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, es-LA, es-US, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, nl-NL, pt-BR, zh-CN. See Table for suppoted combinations.
  • default: en-US
Set Voice

The voice can be set as follows:


The language and voice combination must match the name is the list.

  • allowed voices: See Table
  • default: MichaelVoice
Set Name

Alternatively the language and voice can be set as follows:


This is the equivalent of:

  • default: en-US_MichaelVoice

Supported language and voice list

List of supported language and voice

Name language voice gender description
ar-AR_OmarVoice ar-AR OmarVoice male Omar: Arabic male voice.
de-DE_BirgitV2Voice de-DE BirgitV2Voice female Birgit: Standard German (Standard deutsch) female voice. Dnn technology.
de-DE_BirgitV3Voice de-DE BirgitV3Voice female Birgit: Standard German (Standard deutsch) female voice. Dnn technology.
de-DE_BirgitVoice de-DE BirgitVoice female Birgit: Standard German (Standard deutsch) female voice.
de-DE_DieterV2Voice de-DE DieterV2Voice male Dieter: Standard German (Standard deutsch) male voice. Dnn technology.
de-DE_DieterV3Voice de-DE DieterV3Voice male Dieter: Standard German (Standard deutsch) male voice. Dnn technology.
de-DE_DieterVoice de-DE DieterVoice male Dieter: Standard German (Standard deutsch) male voice.
de-DE_ErikaV3Voice de-DE ErikaV3Voice female Erika: Standard German (Standard deutsch) female voice. Dnn technology.
en-GB_KateV3Voice en-GB KateV3Voice female Kate: British English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-GB_KateVoice en-GB KateVoice female Kate: British English female voice.
en-US_AllisonV2Voice en-US AllisonV2Voice female Allison: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_AllisonV3Voice en-US AllisonV3Voice female Allison: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_AllisonVoice en-US AllisonVoice female Allison: American English female voice.
en-US_EmilyV3Voice en-US EmilyV3Voice female Emily: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_HenryV3Voice en-US HenryV3Voice male Henry: American English male voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_KevinV3Voice en-US KevinV3Voice male Kevin: American English male voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_LisaV2Voice en-US LisaV2Voice female Lisa: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_LisaV3Voice en-US LisaV3Voice female Lisa: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_LisaVoice en-US LisaVoice female Lisa: American English female voice.
en-US_MichaelV2Voice en-US MichaelV2Voice male Michael: American English male voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_MichaelV3Voice en-US MichaelV3Voice male Michael: American English male voice. Dnn technology.
en-US_MichaelVoice en-US MichaelVoice male Michael: American English male voice.
en-US_OliviaV3Voice en-US OliviaV3Voice female Olivia: American English female voice. Dnn technology.
es-ES_EnriqueV3Voice es-ES EnriqueV3Voice male Enrique: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) male voice. Dnn technology.
es-ES_EnriqueVoice es-ES EnriqueVoice male Enrique: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) male voice.
es-ES_LauraV3Voice es-ES LauraV3Voice female Laura: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) female voice. Dnn technology.
es-ES_LauraVoice es-ES LauraVoice female Laura: Castilian Spanish (español castellano) female voice.
es-LA_SofiaV3Voice es-LA SofiaV3Voice female Sofia: Latin American Spanish (español latino americano) female voice. Dnn technology.
es-LA_SofiaVoice es-LA SofiaVoice female Sofia: Latin American Spanish (español latino americano) female voice.
es-US_SofiaV3Voice es-US SofiaV3Voice female Sofia: North American Spanish (español norteamericano) female voice. Dnn technology.
es-US_SofiaVoice es-US SofiaVoice female Sofia: North American Spanish (español norteamericano) female voice.
fr-FR_ReneeV3Voice fr-FR ReneeV3Voice female Renee: French (français) female voice. Dnn technology.
fr-FR_ReneeVoice fr-FR ReneeVoice female Renee: French (français) female voice.
it-IT_FrancescaV2Voice it-IT FrancescaV2Voice female Francesca: Italian (italiano) female voice. Dnn technology.
it-IT_FrancescaV3Voice it-IT FrancescaV3Voice female Francesca: Italian (italiano) female voice. Dnn technology.
it-IT_FrancescaVoice it-IT FrancescaVoice female Francesca: Italian (italiano) female voice.
ja-JP_EmiV3Voice ja-JP EmiV3Voice female Emi: Japanese (日本語) female voice. Dnn technology.
ja-JP_EmiVoice ja-JP EmiVoice female Emi: Japanese (日本語) female voice.
nl-NL_EmmaVoice nl-NL EmmaVoice female Emma: Dutch female voice.
nl-NL_LiamVoice nl-NL LiamVoice male Liam: Dutch male voice.
pt-BR_IsabelaV3Voice pt-BR IsabelaV3Voice female Isabela: Brazilian Portuguese (português brasileiro) female voice. Dnn technology.
pt-BR_IsabelaVoice pt-BR IsabelaVoice female Isabela: Brazilian Portuguese (português brasileiro) female voice.
zh-CN_LiNaVoice zh-CN LiNaVoice female Li Na: Chinese (Mandarin) female voice.
zh-CN_WangWeiVoice zh-CN WangWeiVoice male Wang Wei: Chinese (Mandarin) male voice.
zh-CN_ZhangJingVoice zh-CN ZhangJingVoice female Zhang Jing: Chinese (Mandarin) female voice.


This package will auto register with a laravel project, some additional helpers have been provided:

.env keys

The following keys can be added to the .env file and will be automatically used:


If using git version control it is recommended to add the Api key to the .env file and double check .env is included in .gitignore, by default it is.


Note: This is the example from the tutorial - it will not work!

Same as Setting API Key


Same as Setting output path

storage/watson-api is the relative link from the public folder. I.E. Relative to public/index.php.


Same as Setting Watson Url


Same as Set Name


This is a basic example inside web.php:

use PenYFan\WatsonTextToSpeech\WatsonTextToSpeech;

// other routes

Route::get('/watson/{text}', function ($text) {
    try {
        $watson = resolve(WatsonTextToSpeech::class);
        return $watson->runTextToSpeech($text);
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        return $exception->getMessage();

The above will run when the /watson/some text to convert route is hit and return the relative file path with file name, in a date time format in UTC + three digit random number in the default mp3 format. The file is saved as: storage/watson-api/yyyymmdd-hhmmssUTCnnn.mp3

If there are any problems with the key/values provided or with the IBM Watson API, an error will be returned.

On inside a controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Exception;use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use PenYFan\WatsonTextToSpeech\WatsonTextToSpeech;

class WatsonController extends Controller
     * @var WatsonTextToSpeech
    protected $watson;

    public function __construct(WatsonTextToSpeech $watson)
        $this->watson = $watson;

    public function store($text)
        // validate the request
        try {
            $file = $this->watson->runTextToSpeech($text);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

        $link = "" . $file;
        return "<a href={$link}>Play sound file</a>";

Console Command

To use the console command the .env file needs to be configured as stated above. From the command line run:

php artisan watson-text-to-speech

When prompted type in the text to be converted. Wait for the API call to complete, the location of the speech file will display. e.g.:

php artisan watson-text-to-speech

 Enter the text you wish to convert to speech::
 > Test console command

Text has been converted to speech, see: storage/watson-api/20200510-183722UTC306.mp3


Example of Watson API text to speech output:



Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


This is a personal project. Contributions are not required. Anyone interested in developing this project are welcome to fork or clone for your own use.



MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

The Laravel package Boilerplate was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.