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Official Perkedel Technologies collection of ChilloutVR objects projects

All ChilloutVR projects

This repository contains everything made by us for a VR based social media, ChilloutVR / CVR. It has everything ever created by us & with affilation to us. It also contains 3rd party stuffs to as well!

Everything here shall be uploaded & available for all gamers to contribute right to amend, modify, and add more stuffs. As well as to fork & build their own project upon. No part as all as possible be closed to an exclusive access. All gamers deserves.



May Contains NSFW

All employees are required to be in their mature age (most beings are 18+) in order to volunteer. I mean, all Perkedel employees in any division basically requires 18+ years old, which is the minimum appropriate age of accepting paid jobs & contracts. If there is something that requires special condition for the target job, we can use the technology to pitch up for the work, OR using their natural abilities. You know, mix it up together? It's common industry practice! Wait where are we? OH, you must be adult. no matter what.

Additionally, proper mentals in specifics pertaining encounter of nudity & sexualized works are required. I mean all Perkedel employees in any division are expected to say okay with lewd works, we are company of culture! We don't hire losers. only winners. We don't care if you are handsome or beautiful (not like most of local companies in my areas), We want works. You can do it, willing do it, even by others is disgusting? You're in! Yeah, I know, we're trying everyday.


Perkedel Technologies (Perkedel Teknologi Canggih Abadi) and divisions are NOT affiliated with Alpha Blend Interactive. Therefore, such work & creation endeavors in any forms presented here are not officially made, nor endorsed, nor sponsored by ABI in any way.

In event of any presence of sponsorship in any form, no works & creations including but not limited to decisions, opinions, etc. shall be affected by any mean. We do not accept any request and order of editorial of certain parts of these works & creations. Both the company(ies), you, and other gamers are witnessing these work & creation endeavors for the first time alongside.

Click here to learn more about Terms of Service of Alpha Blend Interactive


Profanity is allowed in this premise. Ensure to use this permission only to strengthen your quotes, and avoid unecessary & irrelevant overboard derogatory attacks against another parties.


DNB Community Schedules

Image from DiceGlow team

DNB's Unofficial Community Schedules Always Up to date

Click here to obtain event calendar reservation form

CVR Unofficial Community Schedules

Image from CVR Community Leader. ... pls invite me, we yoinked it from VoyVivika's Discord (I think).. yeah syndicated.

CVR Unofficial Community Schedules May 2024


Installation Setup

  • Install CCK . Download the CCK & open up DiceGlow project with Unity 2021.3.23f1 (the version must be exactly as told by ABI!!). Once you have downloaded it, simply drag the .unitypackage file into the editor. Add all files to it, and DO NOT MOVE OR EDIT ANY OF THE FILE IN THAT FOLDER!!
  • Install other assets that are not included here. The refered assets are listed in sections below.
  • Look around the project.
  • Start developing & Contribute. You only need this project for all objects.


  • In the top bar menu, Alpha Blend Interactive, Control Panel. Log in with your username & ABI Creation Kit access key.
  • Open up some Scene containing GameObject that has CVR Asset components. The CCK will detect all objects that has this components.
  • Click Upload of which object you'd like to upload.
  • Corectly Fill the tags, title, description, changelog, thumbnail, legal, etc.
  • Proceed upload.

List of Not Included Assets

Below are assets that are not included and must be installed prior of usage and developments. There are: name, Sauce URL, reason, and optionally hash of each package file.

Some packages (e.g. .unitypackage extracted) are included for convenience All $0 & Redistribution allowed licensed .unitypackages are included.
Pls keep the Steam Audio with ones caught by kjoy at ThirdParty/kjoy/SteamAudio.unitypackage. Using version above this will cause entire project hangs to assembling C# scripts forever.
If you got this, simply close the project, remove 2 plugins in DiceGlow/Assets/Plugins: SteamAudio & FMOD, along with their .meta files. Then reopen this project, and install the correct version shipped by kjoy. DO NOT TRY TO INSTALL ANY CUSTOM RENDERING PIPELINES!!! I tried and it broke the entire project (revert back to last backup!), and it's hard to manage compatibilities across multiple custom shaders. If you have the fix or better way to make every creation looks astonishing without needing complicated pipelines, let us know.

We are aware that there are concerns regarding sparsdated assets. We understand that gamers have difficulty for those are not $0, and we have no rights to intervene your act. However, in order to keep us safe from Federals vengeance, please follow these orders bellow: (For Perkedel Cinematic Universe gamers) DO NOT USE ANY OF THE PAID ASSETS UNTIL KAORFA PAID THE LICENSE!. Wait until there is PAID flags in it, if there is, then all gamers to contribute must buy it (not using sparsdated file you got out there 😉, for legal reason). For legal reason complying Earth's law. See below what if Kaorfa who lives IRL, caught. (For real life gamers & Kaorfa) CONTRIBUTORS ARE REQUIRED TO OWN EACH AND WHICH LICENSES OF ABOVE PAID ASSETS BEFORE INVOLVING ANY OF THEM. For legal reason complying Earth's law. If we (kita) were caught using Sparsdated assets, we would be harrassed by a Federal branch claiming protecting the author, until death or cease of use, both options with extra huge fines!

Proves of purchases

Please attach screenshots below for the assets we have paid to be used by Perkedel Cinematic Universe gamers.
For real life contributors, you must purchase the license of your own, not sparsdated you got out there 😉. For legal reasons. We do not want you get harrassed by your Federals because caught using sparsdated assets.

Quick Tutorials



  • WASD / Port-Left Joystick = Move
  • Shift + Move = Run (VR by default always run)
  • Mouse / Starboard-Right Joystick = Camera / Head angle & turning around.
  • Space / Starboard-Right A = Jump
  • 2x Jump = Toggle Flying
  • X / ??? = Prone
  • C / ??? = Crouch
  • V / ??? = Toggle Mic Mute/Unmute
  • Right Click / B (Starboard-Right) / Y (Port-Left) = Grab with which hand (Starboard-Right Hand default on Desktop)
  • Left Click / Any Trigger = Interact action to a prop / object.
  • ESC / ??? = Open Big Menu
  • Tab / ??? = Open Quick Menu


  • Toprow Num (1-9) = Play expression animation. Move to cancel
    1. Hello
    2. Bow
    3. Die
    4. Backflip
    5. ...
    6. ...
    7. ...
  • Left Shift + Toprow Num (1-9) = Port-Left Hand gesture selections
  • Right Shift + Toprow Num (1-9) = Starboard-Right Hand gesture selections
  • Hand taking picture gesture (both hands with index & thumb in L shape, and cross them eachother) = Open Camera
  • Clap the camera = Close camera

VoyVivika Tutorial Prop

VoyVivika provided a tutorial prop to get you started.

  • Open Big Menu (ESC / ???)
  • Search
  • Type Tutorial
  • Look for Tutorial Prop by VoyVivika, and drop it to the world.
  • Interact with this prop by clicking the button on the tutorial panel. Read out how do you play this game.

Did you know, Some worlds already pre-provided this prop thanks to such prefab being available in VoyVivika's GitHub repo.


How to World

Make sure in your Unity Scene, there is a GameObject with component CVRWorld. by default, this object now is your spawn point you can place around, AS WELL AS Panoramic preview photo cam (for CVR Portal).

You can however, make another empty GameObject to be assigned as one of the spawn points. Simply position that GameObject to anywhere you'd like the player to spawn at. the CVRWorld accepts more than 1 and you can make it pick randomly.

The CVRWorld will also spawn component CVRAssetInfo automatically. DO NOT FORGET TO NOTE ITS GUID!

How to Avatar

Make sure in this Avatar you'd like to upload has these commponents:

  • CVRAvatar
  • CVRAssetInfo (Automatic). DO NOT FORGET TO NOTE ITS GUID!
To Avatar Properties

In the CVRAvatar, you should see section Advanced Settings underneath Advanced Tagging. Enable this section, and add your Input.


How to Props

Make sure the GameObject you'd like to upload as an individual prop has these components:

  • CVRSpawnable.
  • CVRInteractable. To allow interaction actions.
  • CVRAssetInfo (Automatic). DO NOT FORGET TO NOTE ITS GUID!

Any other components like MonoBehaviour based and derivatives should be working & load in the software. Ensure also that it is not harmful. NO, IT DOES NOT WORK!! You must use niche CVR Scripting system with CVRVariableBuffered GameObjects as the children of this prop. Scripting is coming soon. use CVRLua mod idk..

To Pickup Props

Ensure that your prop has component CVRPickupObject.

Drag its own transform into field gripOrigin, and don't forget the maximumGrabDistance property, to ensure the object can be dragged only by certain distances. If you forgot and kept 0, the object will be pickup-able at any range, and this is usually undesirable.

You also need to ensure that CVRInteractable is intact. the CVRPickupObject triggers events onGrab & onDrop respectively.

To Sticky Props

Ensure that your prop has component CVRAttachment.

Assign the attachmentType to whichever element you'd want this object attached to. You can chose none, everything, or some of which. Usually, it is desired to be the bone.

Assign the boneType to whichever avatar bone you'd want this object attached to, if you included bone in attachmentType. Usually, it's desired to be attachable to head. Sometimes or rarely: chest, feet, etc.

Ensure you finally adjust your maxAttachmentDistance! At least try the usual like 1, or less (.9, .5, .25, etc.) depending on the size and shape. If you forgot and let it 0, the prop would attach / stick forever by any range and you must delete it in the game to restart the prop.

Once you've configured your desired properties, don't forget to attach methods to the CVRInteractable. Assign these as follow:

  • Trigger onGrab has method call to CVRAttachment on this prop of deAttach(). Detach the prop when being picked up.
  • Trigger onDrop has method call to CVRAttachment on this prop of attach(). Once dropped, evaluate if it's on something can be attached to and attach to the valid part of the object.

To disable attachment later, simply set attachmentType in CVRAttachment to nothing. The prop then no longer stick-able.

To Pointer based Trigger (Realistic Interaction)

Sometimes, interaction is desirable OR required using a way that feels about realistic like irl. This is done using Pointer & Trigger system.

Pointer (CVRPointer) - Key

This component is where this will trigger below Triggers, on what type OR on which pointer. Add GameObject with this component to your e.g. props or avatar, and a Collider (of which shape you'd like to define shape & area). As its collider hits the trigger area, the trigger will commence.

You can define the type of this pointer in the field ... with any string you'd like. e.g., index (typically Avatar index finger).

Now, this pointer will only trigger that allows such type / have such type in the list, e.g. above, any trigger that includes index.


BUG: (Pls reconfirm) To ensure any pointer could trigger any Pointer Trigger & CVRInteractable (?), you must hold that GameObject (not drop or let go), otherwise, the trigger will ignore it.

  • Pulled pin bomb dropped + other fresh bomb = FAIL
  • Pulled pin bomb dropped held + other fresh bomb = WORK
  • Lighter kept on dropped + drag fresh bomb to its flame = WORK
Props (CVRSpawnableTrigger) - Hole

To make trigger for props, add a GameObject with CVRSpawnableTrigger added to it, OR add it to the prop itself (not recommmended). No need to add collider.

You can adjust its area size, offset, and allowed types (You'll need to enable Advanced mode to unlock more options). You can also pick more than one which element will this trigger by, whether Player Local (you), Player Network (other players in instance), and/or Particles.

BUG?: Not whitelisted in prop, only world???

Interactible (CVRInteractable) (World only)

You can setup simple pointer based detection in a GameObject with Collider.

use trigger OnPointerEnter & OnPointerExit accordingly, set which pointer types allowed and which object specifically, and define those callback actions in each.

Avatar (CVRAvatarTrigger) - Hole

To make trigger for avatars, add a GameObject with CVRAvatarTrigger added to it, or add it to the avatar itself (not recommended). No need to add collider.

You can adjust its area size, offset, and allowed types (You'll need to enable Advanced mode to unlock more options). You can also pick more than one which element will this trigger by, whether Player Local (you), Player Network (other players in instance), and/or Particles.

To enable Advanced mode, select Advanced in the topmost dropdown Trigger Mode.

(Advanced mode) In Allowed Filter, you can choose whether to filter pointer by Type (any CVRPointer of which type in the list) OR Reference to specific CVRPointer GameObjects (regardless of its type). Then fill either the type name OR CVRPointer according to the mode you selected.

(Advanced mode) In Trigger task, you can define what happen when the pointer Enters, Stayed, and/or Exited. It will do adjust your AAS parameter based on selected update. You can select what update method whether it's to Set from Position which is based on how deep the pointer is in the area from the top to the bottom, Add or Substract to increase or decrease which AAS value, or Set from Distance to ????????????????????.

Testing Triggers

To test your trigger whether it's working or not, you can search in-game CVRPointer and drop it into the world. Drag this floating bekel ball onto your trigger.

Note, in order to ensure the trigger works, you will need to add to allow list (in your trigger) a usual type, like index, as most of the prop pointers maybe filled with type index since it's the most common type.

You can also debug & view these pointers & triggers by opening big menu (ESC / starboard-right B), Settings, Experimental, scroll down to Debug and enable. The pointer & trigger debug shows their type names in blue pixel text.

NAK Avatar Pointer Generator Helpers

NotAKidOnSteam has a helper system that helps you generate pointers for your avatar. Although incomplete at the moment, it should suffice for most task.

To use it, simply download the release .unitypackage from this URL Once you have installed it, you will see top menu Tools/Avatar Pointer Generator. Click it and drag your avatar to this window (or while selecting your Avatar, click Use Selection). Then Generate Pointers. You'll have your avatar equipped with typical set of pointers (pre-filled with according types as well) to get you started.

  • Install NAK Avatar Pointer Generator Helper.
  • Open up its tab window from top menu Tools/Avatar Pointer Generator
  • Drag your prepared CVRAvatar prefab OR GameObject into its only input field. OR, you can select your avatar in the scene, then click Use Selection.
  • click Generate Pointers.
  • Enjoy! You can make further adjustment if you'd like to. Ensure all pointers sized & placed symetrically at the end.

How to GIF Texture

GIF texture is possible here in CVR thanks to a shader provided by Poiyomi. with PoiyomiToon, you have a SpecialFX category effect called Flipbook. Due to Unity limitation, GIF files must first be converted with the included tool provided when you installed PoiyomiToon. This feature is available for $0 as of v8 series.

  • Ensure PoiyomiToon (either demo or paid) has been installed. You should have this shader & Thry included when you have installed it.
  • Insert GIF file into your project. Assuming the filename goes like myGifFile.gif.
  • Right click GIF file, select Thry, Flipbook, Gif 2 TextureArray. You will receive the TextureArray of myGifFile.asset.
  • Create new Material (Right click somewhere in Project tab file area OR + icon in the Project tab, Create, Material)
  • Choose the topmost shader selection dropdown just underneath its material filename, to be .poiyomi/PoiyomiToon. Or search so that you pick PoiyomiToon.
  • insert that converted file into the field Texture Array. You can either drag the file into a tiny little box by the Texture Array, OR click the circle with dot, search & pick your file.
  • We are done. Insert this material into which MeshRenderer GameObject you want to bear this animated texture.
  • Enjoy! The GIF should play in that GameObject when you Play or loaded into CVR. You can also make further adjustments as you like.

BEWARE: (Patchuri) This feature may bloat your VRAM & others. Consider using this sparsely, so you can help prevent yourself & other players from lagging & crash. (Perkedel) You also would like to ensure to place safety tags FlashingColor & FlashingLight, since the albedo now is in motion & changes colors, and hence may triggers epilepsy seizure on some cases.

Moar Tutorial

How to Path Camera

Cinematic Path camera allows you to make the camera runs dolly in specified pen path. It uses your Numpad Key on the right of your keyboard

  • NUM0 = Add point.
  • NUM1 = Start
  • NUM3 = Stop
  • NUM7 = Delete all path points
  • DEL = Delete selected path point. Unfortunately, NUMPERIOD a.k.a DEL in numpad does not work.
  • NUM+ = Increase time on selected path point
  • NUM- = Decrease time on selected path point
  • Drag a path point (RMB on a path point) = Select a path point. Selected path point turns yellow, and turns rest of path points back to white.
  • Drag its dot (RMB on the path point's dot) = Adjust pen curve strength to this path. Think it like using Pen Tool in image & vector editing software.

How to Tholin's Namebadge

TODO: pls do

Pay attention to these files. You need to clone the following to your own folder:

  • CPU.rendertexture & CPU 1.rendertexture
  • EmuMat.material & Register.material
  • program.png


Make sure to clone the file within the Unity editor, so that the .meta files are aligned with each file.


Here are the UUIDs of all these assets we uploaded to CVR:

Commissioned assets still private? We apologize, those are the commissions customer haven't yet paid to this day, and therefore long procrastinations to press Submit to Public. OR, the Admin to this day have yet to approve our Publish request for some reason.
Desperate of trying one? Contact us, JOELwindows7 at Discord under DM prefix PLS_SHARE_ASSETS and then the UUID(s) & your ABI account username. We will share that/those to you. Absolutely $0
As always, source code making these asset are always open source & you can implement to your world!
Please note, to avoid confusion it is advised to reupload the assets. Just let me do it. To break procrastinations, Simply pay full or part by part in crowd until full to which UUID, to Joel's Ko-fi
by putting donation pay & message like e.g.: $?? UNPROCRASTINATE 92f6e5f4-e860-42fd-8154-81d69f605099. Any added amount will slowly reduce procrastinations. If the payment pool reaches FULL for this UUID commission, the procrastination will be removed immediately. Extra accidental extras will not be refunded and will be considered donation tip, thank you so much. Additionally, it is required that you ensured you have added friend JOELwindows7.
The same command can also be used for props Admin have yet to approve our publish request, at no extra charge. C'mon, I need money & my parents will retire soon. But I'm not an asshole, just.. I'll long it (and times later to be public), because you don't pay. I can't work without money, I'm bio being!

PS: If you did not handover the GUID or selected wrong GUID (i.e. already published GUIDs), we will pick random GUID.


GUID Name Uploader Description
92f6e5f4-e860-42fd-8154-81d69f605099 Howard the Alien JOELwindows7
1fe3eebd-7671-4392-9e3c-87f269ebe69e BZ Protogen ++ JOELwindows7 Protogen free 3d model
b8e26010-8b21-4e97-b38b-5ec9cc8d9502 Maya Putri JOELwindows7
7eed2e87-2c79-465d-955c-bb729e2af4a2 Zuuljedus JOELwindows7 NSFW That famous girl in X0p1r4t3. Head in DiceGlow
11f91306-49c6-4d8b-b075-461e24d4f6ed Abstract JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)
244d5daf-35bd-4752-b286-e9c0a6057548 MothBoi 2 JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)
71f810ba-2def-4d28-9ed0-833d6e427de3 Rosy Buggie JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)
03191378-dd84-481b-84ad-2cedaaed7592 Waddle Abomination JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)


GUID Name Uploader Description
6b1b8855-9196-4e21-a418-f52a862651af SFW DiceGlow Test Area JOELwindows7 .
576dd214-4d23-4441-86f1-d0f56f3095da SFW DiceGlow Test Area Pt. 2 JOELwindows7 .
604d2db5-93b4-4511-8b53-a66e16cc6325 NSFW CornSyrup Test Area JOELwindows7 .
6055a6c3-e589-45dc-a2c2-5de2d83ae449 Moving Spawns JOELwindows7 .
dd4303c8-3f5c-4fed-9d37-21e8836310e3 iPoly3D Low Poly Server Room JOELwindows7 .
d55da2f2-6349-4558-ad6e-f74ce92945af Minimum World JOELwindows7 .
56925a80-f3d7-40c3-ab06-3d2b299ab77b Zuuljedus' homeworld JOELwindows7 .
9917f31f-90ef-45bd-9980-8ce640b90dba NestDNB JOELwindows7 Church building
9d1b1385-6e80-4a2a-a2a4-7d081daef12b ClubDNB JOELwindows7 Gravity Zone Night club
64c4bbc0-f773-43ed-a8b6-60a4529258ab FloatDNB JOELwindows7 Gravity Zone Night club Smaller
76c4d45f-8490-4c03-98bc-1949b5660b7c CafeDNB JOELwindows7 Small Cafe usually found in office building clusters around residence like Pantai Indah Kapuk or similar
60c50664-1c58-4a8f-8e82-b4242b29f8bc Planet Sample JOELwindows7 How to Gravity Zone?!
dec62aa9-9f9f-48e8-98a7-8f2591de2511 Inverse Gravity houses JOELwindows7 Residence full of houses with inverse gravity
9a708c96-2f39-47e5-a49e-79ae97e193f5 Water Box Planet Sample JOELwindows7 The planet is box & it's all water
d038e9a9-26b5-4503-b8be-e6232d9fa747 Fancy Integrity JOELwindows7 Studio Apartment
5ac6fda1-69bc-445e-afac-af5ea577064c Optimized Outcome JOELwindows7 Studio Dormitory
42c3b15b-dce3-4d42-b5c9-693edac8912b BoxDNB JOELwindows7 Prop & Avatar Mega Test World
3fe2b7c3-129a-418e-87ad-c3931657f843 UCC Cinema MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
af0f00bc-0702-46ce-9441-bcce0ad6c813 UCC Avatars MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
9d0677a5-b88f-4994-901b-7b91c99e8cd8 UCC Bird Island MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
bc8f15fa-8f6b-42b5-8096-8b3058345e98 UCC Hub MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
9a7d706f-a70e-4e7f-a301-406f25e509b3 DomNomNomVR's AudioLink Samples DomNomNomVR (NOT PERKEDEL) NOTE: WRONG AL WORLD!!! UUID mismatch into TEST Audio Link! World is not same as seemingly identical AudioLink Example!!
b98f304c-e1e0-410d-a6c3-cfcb15c7c087 DomNomNomVR's AudioLink Samples DomNomNomVR (NOT PERKEDEL) NOTE: This is the correct UUID, PS: Not to be confused with extra added version from SnekMach
9cb2b515-eee3-4258-8c3d-108ccfc5d299 Madvicius' Old Anime world Madvicius (NOT PERKEDEL)
2f14fd53-2850-43b9-91f0-132d3f2db2bc Writhe JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)
11a92064-d9d1-4f6b-91a0-845c78952659 Pool House JillTheSomething (NOT PERKEDEL)
0b038da9-1a2a-4c25-88bb-b5047d682a8d SpaceHey Root (uploaded by JillTheSomething on behalf) (NOT PERKEDEL)
a15e207e-daac-4cea-a02f-13870cb14052 Spawn Mover Demo NovaVoidHowl (NOT PERKEDEL)
c237df59-1df1-4e12-9e41-92608b1c9d5e CVRPlayerOnlyMirror demo Nirv-git (NOT PERKEDEL)
406acf24-99b1-4119-8883-4fcda4250743 Purple Fox LensError (NOT PERKEDEL)
88e9a47b-969a-4ef1-b0dd-46b6e12292bc Social Spot LensError (NOT PERKEDEL)


GUID Name Uploader Description
2de44c16-84a9-4e54-beca-a2a0ef92d271 BagDNB JOELwindows7 Vending Machine
6772ae27-7913-472b-9ef4-29d687a19f37 Adjustable Dice JOELwindows7 Ultimate Adjustable dice
e93b46ac-a385-43bc-8458-1ba48f1341db Wahaha Dice JOELwindows7 .
e33ca9f8-0785-416a-b635-73a999bcb756 Wahaha Dice Scale 50 JOELwindows7 .
acfed254-b590-4c9b-96c3-28c8e22f51ec Wahaha Dice Scale 25 JOELwindows7 .
fa51c676-05bb-41c3-aa41-68941f9fb2a7 Wahaha Dice Scale 5 JOELwindows7 .
2796a410-02e1-4fcc-b7d8-d58f31b354c1 Wahaha Dice GIANT 1000 JOELwindows7 .
e8da5752-5216-4bfe-a3ae-3c87d8ac9ca7 Wahaha Dice micro 1 JOELwindows7 .
ed1fe55e-c63a-4119-9fc2-caa9933cf6aa Ehehe Dice JOELwindows7 .
c5482fb7-620f-42b0-ab84-afc8210a7a5a Ehehe Dice Scale 50 JOELwindows7 .
5a5a3265-a1e7-469b-83f3-d83e8800cb02 Ehehe Dice Scale 25 JOELwindows7 .
04ea5304-11c2-4244-98f1-7676a656da9e Ehehe Dice Scale 5 JOELwindows7 .
b06c91e7-989f-4685-8819-875b666093cf Ehehe Dice GIANT 1000 JOELwindows7 .
ca2e8dfb-3d35-42ad-8f22-bf839f732308 Ehehe Dice micro 1 JOELwindows7 .
7bb92abf-fc97-4836-b9fb-fff929408907 A Dice JOELwindows7 .
3974a044-678b-4d26-8c00-9adaba057ffd A Dice Scale 50 JOELwindows7 .
f500a295-e148-489d-bb6c-bca39fa976ad A Dice Scale 25 JOELwindows7 .
86462140-5f07-4fc0-a814-2541b5cd085d A Dice Scale 5 JOELwindows7 .
6f803736-519f-4e3c-b8bd-d0581ab83083 A Dice GIANT 1000 JOELwindows7 .
7cbb201a-d83b-40cd-975b-05250b7f74ad A Dice micro 1 JOELwindows7 .
cd15f618-b0bf-4a55-a9ee-6fc52fad42b2 E Dice JOELwindows7 .
962ea7dc-0c0a-4952-9842-d637570f2cde E Dice Scale 50 JOELwindows7 .
5e3a8b44-9676-47cc-aa41-91e37fbd301a E Dice Scale 25 JOELwindows7 .
e2890d25-c725-495a-b5e0-98fb7526be8c E Dice Scale 5 JOELwindows7 .
dc2a31c2-d7b8-47e2-ae2c-b69c9d638c52 E Dice GIANT 1000 JOELwindows7 .
c01e0e3d-b793-4259-ba8c-84b1a6038a6c E Dice micro 1 JOELwindows7 .
8212db17-de59-475a-a36c-f8fb84bcc26a Awu Dice AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
ed2e7173-bdff-4200-be76-82543bf45b70 Awu Dice Scale 50 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
e7318916-445e-4133-bf46-4e61bb4a75e8 Awu Dice Scale 25 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
b3668105-08ef-41ad-8da4-2cfc1ebe3882 Awu Dice Scale 5 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
0d68f8b4-0980-49e7-ab3e-f62e7469ee5a Awu Dice GIANT 1000 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
0351eead-50bf-4d8f-8916-d787a12f1e3a Awu Dice micro 1 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
64501bf1-7c8f-4213-bb62-376ebfdaa820 Eyea Dice AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
32f8f36e-050b-4dcb-83ef-b5b6093dce08 Eyea Dice Scale 50 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
0d8b55e3-0117-498f-9774-ef600cb36876 Eyea Dice Scale 25 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
f8ca6f5f-0de2-471a-8516-4058b12f906c Eyea Dice Scale 5 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
820a6d23-fc4d-462b-b7d6-e4d30f91a453 Eyea Dice GIANT 1000 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
28c3750e-ea72-4634-a8b9-06c098c8d9c6 Eyea Dice micro1 1 AudioLink JOELwindows7 .
0b8fd851-6bae-4b3c-8800-92eee08ab3a9 Ludo Game JOELwindows7 Board game with core from Keiannai Board Game System
5cd17bd6-10a3-4d76-9045-478f416368d4 Never Have I ever board Game JOELwindows7 Board game with core from Keiannai Board Game System
7978dda3-291d-49d0-be01-29f50cff6106 Never Have I ever generator JOELwindows7 Generator for NHIE game above & other NHIE games.
d12f6826-893b-4171-9238-c0d7edaef48a SDEXM Dare generator JOELwindows7 NSFW Generator for Dare or Truth pls NSFW.
c7a0bd47-3ece-485f-a994-d3eddbc2b4c1 Anjay Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
8f094998-b863-4bc6-b3c9-726eb82f1e24 Fart Reverb Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
2b7ef53d-a4aa-457d-b613-6a542fb385d0 Fart Origin Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
d85d797b-2965-4622-9699-962e8bdaf88d WTF Boom Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
4c35b951-7dc3-4adf-8dda-7bf253d24dc5 Bin Canon duar Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
a245cf37-09f3-408c-bcc9-cf35839a4fe9 Very Loud Explosion Button JOELwindows7 Powered by Dippy's push Button
cdc8b5b1-43af-40fd-b7a5-af48dc8d6dde EmptyBall JOELwindows7 .
323d2618-403d-4835-9eac-5c8362a511a4 Stupid Cartoon Heart with Sound JOELwindows7 .
933b41b9-075f-45a6-b2a7-4eafe0a97a03 Stupid Cartoon Heart Particle Drop JOELwindows7 Same but using Particle Drop
5c394959-b82f-45d9-a924-576d80878404 BeepStick JOELwindows7 Test Particle Sound
05b157e8-d51f-4411-ad86-8cb314535e6d C# forbidden meme JOELwindows7 .
4a193ad4-4119-47c8-ae89-80ba7acd1182 Nice to Meet You JOELwindows7 .
677f8f5f-6e35-4399-85bc-bb1323f0b32b How are you today? JOELwindows7 .
99e7c61c-f253-4f4a-bb82-224f1d627591 What's your name? JOELwindows7 .
992a3278-59e6-4161-9c8e-69e16a2b9152 What's your pronoun? JOELwindows7 .
ccfe57c8-f21c-46e3-8c3d-ec5a9def4be8 Stop you're annoying! JOELwindows7 .
d3afa62b-3524-46b9-93fd-519dd91a63da I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to freeze you! JOELwindows7 .
12d3cc16-e202-48ad-900a-99c41d2d6130 I'm very shy! JOELwindows7 .
89090a15-d3a4-4510-b55b-4299248cf743 Lua Script Coming soon-ish JOELwindows7 .
d7df28fa-082d-4e15-83be-b9e88a622da5 Mavrickle JOELwindows7 Placeholder image
caca50c3-6a82-48c2-a3dd-8932926b44a1 Vivox broke on me JOELwindows7 .
c79b0255-fdaa-491d-9b6d-a884e5e9308b New Mic still broke JOELwindows7 Vivox has been deprecated, CVR now uses own custom voicer which is more reliable. But not always you can get stable connection. Depends on your internet stability.
f3f97796-cf65-439a-b1f6-b51d3c7950b3 Sorry your mic broke JOELwindows7 .
19687a1c-c451-40d1-9031-ab714de3a96e Have you tried leave and join JOELwindows7 .
effa41a5-6a46-4119-a21b-8f40369fa8e8 No it doesn't work JOELwindows7 .
7cd0db37-36b2-4848-874f-5aab7a1b4c5e I have to leave JOELwindows7 I must sleep tonight now.
959f019a-3c8f-4e5e-9a54-7870ffea3750 Discord say Hi accident JOELwindows7 I'm very sorry.
75757afe-d74c-4cbb-a467-c87d861ff192 Why capsule collider JOELwindows7 default collider error.
60135562-c50e-4f4b-b29b-2278aca7bdf3 Schedule Conflict JOELwindows7 I can't attend today, sorry
34d14874-de29-41f3-ad82-5b24caed99bf We are in experimental so mods are disabled for now JOELwindows7 Sorry. Here's free headpat
ae68cdd6-df9f-4706-a603-d7fa2f624a05 Auto Unfriend Bug JOELwindows7 I think there is a bug
ebc2bd9a-f8ab-42c8-90f3-d85d48c0f646 I am Not Cute JOELwindows7 Inspired from Ruikaen's protest sign
6422579f-8a23-4db7-b0e3-11c8ee75a42d Wait Comeback JOELwindows7 Inspired from Ruikaen's protest sign
953d2666-4835-43c0-8c99-8519c93e14f0 What?!.. wait.. no.. JOELwindows7 Inspired from Ruikaen's protest sign
3da99b4d-6857-4321-b701-4cf4201a319e Get Headpat JOELwindows7 Inspired from Ruikaen's protest sign
2d106677-d4d3-4671-b960-fa0c6dda30a1 A Failed Car JOELwindows7 RCC is not $0!!! How do we supposed to car?!
93576ca4-7a8e-44b4-a81d-4dda4df466d0 BUMSTRUM Car RCC Sample JOELwindows7 I forcedly had to buy it because there is no placeholder available to these days
c1d908ec-6a58-4cc6-a9b7-2715bbbf0688 Teeny Car RCC JOELwindows7 Simple & Small yet stable car
3f562c88-e8d6-4b39-827c-a910588bc4e6 DynBonen JOELwindows7 .
ddb5a8b0-758e-4469-a181-5c5e959bab07 Le Among Us JOELwindows7 hfcRed's among us follower demo
6566357c-3640-4b9f-b6eb-2abab7225e4b Unity Crashed JOELwindows7 How did this happened?!
597e172e-2ca1-426f-9b84-a5e701b3478c ChilloutVR Crashed JOELwindows7 IMPOSSIBLE!!
345e2399-bacf-4ddf-ae8f-8df6e9445694 (Image) World's Most Expensive Burger JOELwindows7 Post from @HumansNoContext at X / Twitter
17ec4133-0c63-44a7-8032-a218a91f9720 Valentine Chocolate Box JOELwindows7 With each chocolate edible
cced1e10-7db5-44c9-a180-6cc99267f2cd Just a Hula Hoop JOELwindows7 Hula Hoop with complex colliders configurations working around Unity's limitation
7a75148c-cdbf-4585-a44a-c28904958ef8 Hockey Puck JOELwindows7 The puck, hockey disk
75eb9b0f-474a-444d-a2d9-77946b994f13 Botol Spin JOELwindows7 Bottle Spinner
e7490010-549c-4eb5-a220-eca276686249 Virtual Prop Room JOELwindows7 Portable test room
357e5a63-60dd-40e5-a1fa-7b70eb447b01 TebakDNB JOELwindows7 Yes or no guessing
b95873c0-f09d-4fc8-8dbe-be6f716dbc2c Bridge Carryover JOELwindows7 The broken bridge game
bdb2d310-951c-44c6-901e-6bdb29ae8320 Thin Bridge JOELwindows7 The thin bridge game, popular VR demo
cd1cd0f6-d62d-4f5c-9d84-0567378a1d28 Pontoon Square JOELwindows7 For Bridge Carryover game
7298ba18-cf8d-4478-b6d5-035c6e59f861 Pontoon Circle JOELwindows7 For Bridge Carryover game
89a7a56a-f391-4e5b-90f9-240ef72cd4d5 Duarsplode JOELwindows7 Lagsplode Grenade with particle & ragdoller
f7b036a6-4356-4c80-a247-3f49d96424d7 Krappet JOELwindows7 Another car
dc317a48-39d2-40da-a3e3-27168334d43f Orange Fragrance JOELwindows7 Stella Jeruk
d2498a2c-dad3-4fa0-8761-3f6712f28e6f The Power of the Sun JOELwindows7 In the palm of my hand
07799d34-1333-4d9e-ab99-557faa694e47 The Absolver JOELwindows7 In the palm of my hand
34243d71-25b5-4c65-9119-29a206918835 Portable YuTub JOELwindows7 Portable Video player
65dffce0-7866-47a6-9a34-b8033498d9ca Lampu Senter JOELwindows7 Lua Flashlight
442c4abe-3ae3-4cce-a7ec-2294751ceca9 Pointer Blinker JOELwindows7 Lua index finger pointer blink rapidly
7ad7e4d5-89e1-4ddf-82e6-e5587e18c3cc VoyVivika Portable Tutorial Prop Edit Bahasa Indonesia JOELwindows7 VoyVivika Tutorial Prefab edited to add Bahasa Indonesia
b46651c8-10f4-4569-8bd8-77b8b62ae59a DNB VIP Card JOELwindows7 Little John's VIP Card he used to access secret facilities around DNB & affiliates
b946477f-b126-4bf0-9dfc-106a198d4ea0 Emergency Unlock Card JOELwindows7 (Evil Betty Keycard) Force Unlock a room. For emergency purpose only!
fe4f3b9e-9bc4-42fe-bbb3-c5f49e4e442a Source Engine Error bahasa Indonesia JOELwindows7 Source Engine Error symbol but in Bahasa Indonesia. SDRaw's Russian version inspired me to do so lmao lol!
a7687b13-7663-4d23-9d1f-2a3d90f3deab Individual Tyre JOELwindows7 Just tyre. With different skins you can choose.
d908e7f4-688b-40ce-82d6-7fa5d9e4e5d3 People Binocular LookupDNB JOELwindows7 Xray camera that only sees players.
d8f9da0e-c459-49da-b9ca-1ec085056fc8 Weezer Mirror JOELwindows7 Weezer album photo machine.
bf5b7d18-eb8d-4957-aa7c-fc464ef5856e Erlenmeyer flask JOELwindows7 🧪.
c20004a3-83c1-4a31-a4c8-4409bae3f36e Labu flask JOELwindows7 🧪.
13181c32-55b5-4ead-bf26-0cfdb9a9117a Utah Teapot JOELwindows7 🫖.
36ca3016-a310-4e04-8953-141a21e27e71 Complementary Teacup JOELwindows7 🍵🫖.
140ca808-7a9a-49c3-9296-3f49127f04ea Sex Dice Tutorial card JOELwindows7 NSFW How to DIY Lewd dice.
cae8af07-97be-4595-a5a8-1114caf6eec5 Soklong Clock JOELwindows7 Experimental Aesthetically minimalist clock
d2fe9f84-0ee1-49aa-93b0-574040c17731 Laron P7-K JOELwindows7 Experimental Moving Head Stage Light
2e76dbdf-7f52-425d-8eac-4a80fe3398ff DigiClock Beckadam JOELwindows7 Experimental Just digital clock test with Beckadam's Value Display shader
78fd86cd-fe4e-4a26-afd3-541a309fdebc DigiClock Khodrin JOELwindows7 Experimental Just digital clock test with Khodrin's HUD shader
d644128b-c448-42d6-9768-b17ed2d1c583 DigiClock RED_SIM JOELwindows7 Experimental Just digital clock test with RED_SIM's Simple Counter shader
1ab3f86d-2ec3-4c81-b582-9f53807643d4 Auto Lazy Suzan JOELwindows7 Experimental Same as Soklong clock, but only second hand and that's the Suzan area.
2b09d9dc-dd95-49dd-b4a1-2b1dc70f5a83 🫀 Heart Organ JOELwindows7 Experimental Khalifa Hawill's animated heart organ 3D Model
04176881-b662-4299-a238-260a4f975d01 Kipas Naik JOELwindows7 Experimental Lift-up fan using Gravity zone
6d74cc05-a541-493b-9c5d-2fd377f9e4bc Click to Poof JOELwindows7 Experimental
382db2db-2101-4308-9a8a-5bcb263880a7 Reflection Probe Helm Spawner JOELwindows7 Experimental
48c2addd-f480-4146-af62-0a2ee047f157 Cube Scaler JOELwindows7 Experimental
33f06030-a4a8-45f6-9409-a69913cc39e8 Diagonal Joystick Bug Demonstration JOELwindows7 Experimental
be866c2d-f865-41be-b8f4-99bb1de0fd82 Anha Script Test JOELwindows7 Experimental Lua Script Test
d0aff68c-673a-4650-976c-50e04c18f595 Poiyomi Video Decal Test JOELwindows7 Experimental idk how to make _Udon_VideoTex video decal work!
89a9b73f-93f6-4727-9546-3f52dd4e979a null JOELwindows7 Experimental
d7cc0761-47f2-48eb-baf5-05ea461d9e90 Ajavook JOELwindows7 Experimental ANNOYING
bf8788ce-55b8-42aa-911a-bbaf93e89d40 Ajavook 2 JOELwindows7 Experimental ANNOYING
0ce39ab7-ed61-474f-8f42-2c8ef07fc0d4 Activate Overseer Watermark prank JOELwindows7 Experimental ANNOYING
66effc2f-41af-475d-bfd2-df37989c1600 VoyVivika Portable Tutorial Prop VoyVivika (NOT PERKEDEL)
1dd3b77b-8982-4627-9979-4a0503b6f2b9 Kavex's Rib Kavex (NOT PERKEDEL) ported from with song
39c89b9e-abbe-4b48-8afc-d2ad910bf8e6 Kavex's 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans heart Kavex (NOT PERKEDEL)
eabe330a-a392-4a0f-b7f7-7cdb748834ac Kavex's Pansexual heart Kavex (NOT PERKEDEL)
fc89a8ba-e426-41e8-81fa-268e79b80175 Dippy Push Button Dippy (NOT PERKEDEL)
d3317583-fc62-4422-861c-c94b24cbeee0 Dippy Sauce Squirt Bottle 😏 Dippy (NOT PERKEDEL)
b1ee7ffe-8686-4cbb-b438-5db7f13c539c UCC Mirror MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
25f0fbe4-7a23-40f3-815d-a6dd33786a3d UCC Pen MilchZocker (NOT PERKEDEL)
fba60ac2-b053-401b-9d5d-02986c21af24 Kin's Badge Vespei Kin (NOT PERKEDEL) GONE / MISMATCH 404
fc89a8ba-e426-41e8-81fa-268e79b80175 Dippy Press Button Dippy (NOT PERKEDEL)
9e13b14c-d70b-4266-ae7b-aa687b75faae NUT BUTTON Dippy (NOT PERKEDEL)
d3317583-fc62-4422-861c-c94b24cbeee0 Dippy Sauce Dippy (NOT PERKEDEL)
d1dac649-e96a-4f91-92f2-40a2214a33d4 MollyTribute Interaction Layer DomNomNomVR & MollyTribute (Momma Molly) (NOT PERKEDEL)
d849a70d-adc0-4cea-a09b-84a9a0037e84 Pen Props SketchFoxsky (NOT PERKEDEL)
ca0a909e-2371-4586-8836-993e77132727 Evil Betty Keycard Demo Evil Betty & Momma Molly (NOT PERKEDEL)
49314ddc-bb7e-4c16-9d72-52bd24755efa Boat example Khodrin, prefab on kjoy's server (NOT PERKEDEL) 404 MISMATCH
0c997651-4a7d-4cf5-8666-495241485103 Handgun with laser prefab on kjoy's server (NOT PERKEDEL)


These are the GUID from our cache folder of CVR.

  • ..

Additional Info


Ensure to detach the GUID if you'd like to make new variant of these prefabs.


Car Vehicle License Plates

UUID Nick ID Total Plate Description Tags
978bc94d-5a8b-4199-8352-b51c985dfa24 FAIL FAIL-FA24 Failed Research Car No. 1. Non-RCC variant ⚡ EV, 🏭 Commercial
2f8ba87c-398f-4fd8-9fe6-db74234988d6 KARP KARP-88D6 Krappet bobsled car ⚡ EV, 🏭 Commercial
6ac4ea02-0194-45e4-a1cf-a636af63ab98 ISKY ISKY-AB98 Sky's Hyundai IONIQ 5 (Indonesia Cikarang Version) Signature Long Range (Modded-frankensteined, fulfill all misses) ⚡ EV, 🏚️ Personal
4dd6fa8f-bd5d-4c64-a5b0-b1e6a4edae56 LUCY LUCY-AE56 Latsufir's Prototype Dasandim Military Tough Saucer Mk. 2019 ☢️ Mini Reactor, 🏚️ Personal, 🌌 Space

Protogen Parameter


  • Material = 0,0,255
  • Emission = 255,170,0
  • No Horn
  • Short Hair
  • Chest Fur 0
  • Dome visor
  • Single Pair
  • Short Tail
  • Regular size (3%)
  • Armor Extrude 20
  • Panel Convex 40

Protogen Material Order

  • Body: Armor, Extras
  • Extras: Extras, Fur
  • Model: Fur, Armor, Extras, Tails

Control Bola

How to Control:

First, start the machine by sitting on the orange chair.

  • Left Joystick / WASD = Move the Bola
  • ESC / Right Option Menu? = Stand up & shut down the machine.

Audio Link Surround Experiment Paused

You need to edit:

  • .cginc core file to have each and every speaker. There is _AudioTexture sample2D property to take a look.
  • .shader to include to each and every cginc per speaker
  • .material to point to each and every shader there is per speaker

Property for cginc & Global Shader Updater Property name, was all _AudioLink:

  • _AudioTexture_CF
  • _AudioTexture_SubL
  • _AudioTexture_LF
  • _AudioTexture_RF
  • _AudioTexture_LS
  • _AudioTexture_RS
  • _AudioTexture_LB
  • _AudioTexture_RB

Wait no, just have one _AudioLink sample2D for each of .cginc file. Then each different shader includes which cginc to which speaker.

Alternatively for now, have a script that control this AudioLinkController, to change reference audio source to different speakers. Yes, unfortunately at the moment, CVR does not support scripting & has strict whitelisted MonoBehaviour scripts rule by default. You may hack around by changing experimental settings and disable Bundle Verifier, who knows, haven't tested yet, but it's not safe & not recommended.

Video Player not working


Log found using Mod: MelonLoader, CVRLogger++. ChilloutVR is unable to find the software needed to download the video, which is youtube-dl.

ChilloutVR uses youtube-dl to download the video, and then either with Network Sync to broadcast the playback, or locally play depending on that GameObject video player component setting right now. The part that plays the video is powered by AVPro. Somehow, the youtube-dl either did not shipped with, OR had obvious permission trouble (i.e. Program Files folders have strict permissions).

To remedy this, simply download yt-dlp. Why yt-dlp you ask? Because unfortunately current stable version of youtube-dl is broken, and in need dire update to be released due to ever breaking YouTube policies. The yt-dl is a fork of youtube-dlc which is also fork of youtube-dl or so in between, and it happens that this forks works pretty well today, thanks to auto-updating API methods in every attempt of downloading (the JSON manifest on how to download YouTube video is always fetched per attempt), I think.

Pick just the regular yt-dlp.exe. Once you have downloaded it, place this EXE file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ChilloutVR\ChilloutVR_Data, & then rename is to youtube-dl.exe.

Now, try again. If your log says killing youtube-dl timeout, try re-pasting the URL again to try load again. It should work now. When it successful, the log should say something about AVPro playback broadcasting.

IT WORKS!!! The video now plays TheFatRat Hunger!!!

Extra Video not working

Looks like this is a Windows 10 vs. 11 permissioning eh? #1


Whitelisted assets

Known Whitelisted Unity Assets are:

Asset Name & Sauce. Author. Available for. Descriptions

  • Realistic Car Controller. BoneCrackers. PROPS. Make drivable car props.
  • Magica Cloth Gen1 & Gen2. PROPS, AVATAR.
  • TextMesh Pro. Unity. WORLD
  • ProBuilder. Unity. WORLD

Custom own MonoBehaviour are not supported, since these needs the dll assembly to be installed onto CVR. A Lua Scripting support coming soon.

Click Here to see official list of whitelisted assets on Worlds
Click Here to see official list of whitelisted assets on Avatars

Whitelisted URL for Video Player

Known Whitelisted domains in CVR for Video Player are:

(SAUCE) Modify these whitelist on this JSON file: %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\LocalLow\Alpha Blend Interactive\ChilloutVR\UrlWhitelist.json
Do this at your own risk!

World Rule of NO Private 3D Model allowed

Feedback cannot be made nor published to Feedback ABI due to obvious disagreeabilities.

A world rule that disallows Avatar that its privacy setting not Public. If a gamer entered the world / instance with rule set, wearing this kind of avatar, their avatar will be replaced with 2D Placeholder sprites like censored ones.

Application possibilities:

  • in World, rule that were set alongside props & fly permissions.
  • in user Setting, to be alongside with View Safety settings like NSFW, Horror, Violence, Particle, Giant & Micro sizes, Effects, etc.
  • in instance, rule that were set alongside props & fly permissions.

This idea was inspired from Blender Surreal Meme realm where nobody is allowed to wear body that has no Public Download Link and Paywalled Download link (anything that Kaorfa never had grasp with the 3D model said). The NPCs there are all simple primitives being & can be said an AI. The visitors who typically have more complex conciousness structures usually respects these cultures by also creating avatar that is also a simple primitives with added complex features, and agree to make these special avatars public no exception.

If the visitors who ended up here either had no usable avatar, OR wore a Private Avatar, their body will be immediately swapped with random primitives shapes with random / signature colors, usually Default Cube, Suzanne, Stanford Rabbit, or Utah Teapot.

Yeah pls download link. peck you, proprietarists!

Is ChilloutVR indeed much more intuitive than VRChat?

Further testing & experience required in order to build conclusion

In VRChat, your Unity Project creation menu in VRChat Creation Companion has 2 options: Avatar, & World. Each uses different SDK. *TEST LACKING, IS IT POSSIBLE TO SINGLE PROJECT FOR ALL?

In ChilloutVR, you only need to create a Unity Project for that version asked, then install the all-in-one SDK (called Content Creation Kit). All Worlds, Avatars, & new Props can be created, modified, and uploaded just in 1 single projects. Note that if you had World marker, you need to disable (or delete but it's not recommended) or move to new unWorlded Unity Scene & place all to be uploaded stuffs there, in order to upload & update Avatars & Props.

As of my flawed testing in November 2023 (no VRChat test, just glance), Indeed CVR is much more intuitive, although I understand people would disagree, since without tidying system VRChat has (VCC), it may makes a mess & recovery a hassle. But again, there would be polar opposition that says VCC eats another disk space & deems unecessary. Your mileage may varies.

Ah what do you know? in VRChat you login with username, and password. Main Password. BUT, in ChilloutVR, you login with your username, and your CCK key. Your specialized key you got in your dashboard, not main password.

Remember, since CVR is the new guy in the VR Social media, they take a while to catch up.


Well what do you know? It is expected. We're not in Godot where everything is super optimized and super light by default. You know.

If your PC has no:

  • Highest end CPU (critically Core i7 OR Ryzen 7, OR anything that has at least 6 real cores & and each rate from at least 4 of them 2 GHz)
  • Highest end NVMe SSD, where the Unity project resides in (putting on Game Harddisk is as same slow as regular Harddisk, YOU MUST put it in an NVMe SSD where it is connected to NVMe M.2 slot directly to your motherboard, not SATA SSD of any kind (Neither M.2 nor SATA, don't get scammed!))
  • Highest end RAM with highest possible Hz & Size (Critically totals to 32 GB and up, and conclusive usable rate by 5000 Mhz and up)

It will take long, and more file adds longer it is. Therefore you need a combination of those above, & a Highest end GPU you could possibly find (critically, with Nvidia XX60 Ti or not, OR AMD Radeon XX60 XT or not, or anything able to VR at medium setting). Without those above, it may take up to 5 hours to start! & without enough GPU, it is impossible to render viably.

Even with ultimate today spec that won Overclocking contest yesterday, you may still experience long time loading I think about 2 minutes. Remember, this is Unity, not Godot.

Are these done by Realizer division?

Not officially. Although some Realizer members had involved, still it was done by serveral other volunteers at Perkedel Technologies who worked with this in their free time.

Due to different settings and goal with the game engine CVR used, There is no dedicated division handling content creation for this social media. So, Ricitello, PECK YOU!!
Also actually we've been having beef with Unity in general. Made with Unity, No permanent buy, etc. etc.

Weren't you supposed to make your own Godot social media?

Creating social media on its own is huge responsibilities. It is not a simple hassle and burdens to take. While the server (for usual opinions) will be as neutral as possible & dev themselves may not, these days, neutrality is a necessity. Or let's say, siding a necessity, in which it is required to ban people on certain usual opinion sets in favour of bigger more evil threats that must be obeyed, in order to legally operate, among other things.

Although, VR Sandbox can still be possible, BUT without the social media capability. It won't be GodotChat. Meja (Open Source Tabletop simulator clone). More like industrial physics simulation framework.

This Kantor 369 Meja is one that will officially be built by Realizers. Later.

Unity?! Don't they will steal your soul?

Fortunately, in desperation, Unity had partially rolled back their new paywallism-partialism agendas. Therefore, only by the new version after 2024, will they succ our soul like Shang Tsung.

Therefore, the version of Unity (Unity 2021.3.23f1) used by AlphaBlend Interactive & for these creations of it are not subject to Neo-Paywall-Partialism / Runtime Fee agenda. Everyone in this version should be safe, for now. Because if not wrong, these legacy versions shall be supported until spans of 2024. However, we have yet confirmed would Unity impose punishment us gamers who stuck in these legacy version prior to this agenda.

Be knowledgeful also, that ABI already built their software & set goals for long since before. Therefore, to stop and port to other engines is not a viable option. This can only be done from scratch with different set of instructions. We shall see further, so stay tuned.

Sauces Unity Runtime Fee

Why did you include NAME?! They are all partialists

We unfortunately have no choice but include these shaders, due to other modules have used such shader, hence depends on it. We hope that these modules uses features available in Free edition only, and say if they did used paid feature, can be replaced back to the free sets ones without breaking.

Perkedel and affiliates condemn highly, the act of partializing feature sets under micro-transactions or any similar system, as well as basically paywalling assets. If you have any questions, let us know, under DM Prefix CVR_PAID_ASSET_CONCERNS.

Discord Exclusive Downloads

Per Archive Protocol established on 2023, It is now forbidden to place assets under exclusive download behind join guild, for especially with Discord, to join over 100 servers / guild requires nitro / premium subscription. Therefore all assets, updated newer, and even any version locking assets will be unignored and all employees have been instructed to unignore & forbid ignoring these kinds of assets.

It is forbidden to place assets under login requirement.


Paid (Actively on sale) assets are still forbidden to be unignored, due to strength of Earth people mental warfare & artileries. There shall no be provocation allowed at this time. You sure you'll fulfill your promise on eventually releasing features into free tier? I don't have time to hear whether you did, so feel free treat as breaking promise. Right?? ... uh.. yeah, in my opinion.

Car too expensive

CVR trusted Realistic Car Controller (i.e. whitelisted), and has been suggested by Dippy to be used to make car props. However, we have already seen, that it is way too expensive and not all gamers have privilege by their parents and/or many factors.

Indie Scripting support therefore is a must to unshackle our creativity away from requiring such asset just to get there.


Please do not include nor even sparsdated RCC! Keep this asset folder to yourself 😉.

Please test these other Free car assets and confirm whether or not they works:

  • null. Custom MonoBehaviour is forbidden by default.

Perkedel Logo coincidence

Perkedel logo (capsule with plus) was made purely on philosohpy & inspiration of certain elements. In this case, a mashed potato molded into a capsule shape, with plus symbol, signifying more, infinite, all around.

Unfortunately, we have encountered fatal coincidence with other brands that resembles our logo. Rest assured, our logo was not made for such reason, and therefore has nothing to do with any of those design creation nor endeavours.

Despite all, for safety reasons, we decided to use newly different version of logo (for this case of VR and related) while retaining the recognizable shape of our brand logo. You should see Furry Isekai version of our logo in profile pictures and brand logo placement. the Furry Isekai variant has capsule without plus but instead blue gradient bright top dark bottom, and tunnel wave inspired from our free wallpaper, Wave. We named this variant Furry Isekai in a nod to one of our upcoming game series & movie franchise, Sediron, as in entering a brand new world full of furries, Arenod (formerly Areluid). The Isekai this time has nothing to do with literal death.

Coincident icon:

  • VRChat Plus
  • ProCreate Copy button

Legit Purchase Disclosure

In response of backlash towards Van Elektronische on grounds of involvement of X0p1r4t3 Eenvreensmnt which concerning parties claim notorious for sparsdating assets

We have heard your concern. We understand that such organisation involvement in this checkpoint leaves an immense distaste to you, the concerning parties. Rest assured, No assets should these were sparsdated, shall never enter this repository, until Kaorfa (JOELwindows7) himself paid for those assets. The payment proof will promptly be included at above section, once the transactions is complete. And, No paid assets to be unignored either. All gamers who wanted to contribute are required to provide the assets should be involved here, which are paid, on their own, until the alternative was manufactured.

In order to relieve you, the concerning parties, we would like to fully disclose Kaorfa's parameter, on paid files, as follows:

  • Kaorfa had ceased sparsdating video games, since around 2012, and the transition so to speak had been completed, in around 2016's. Today, Kaorfa will readily purchase new games legitly, if he inclined so. Unless of course, such games are no longer available to purchase legitimately, or unviable to support should the company beholding behaves badly.
  • Kaorfa already lost over $100 in total and counting, to purchase assets, legitimately.
  • Kaorfa already spent over $3000 in computer information equipments, to download these assets & games, and use them to inspire & create more creative works out of those.
  • Kaorfa's mother would not be happy and furious, should she found that Kaorfa spent that much of a money over serveral assets, such as one that costed him $30 a being / pack. In fact, on purchasing hardwares alone, Kaorfa is today strictly being monitored and requires low chance approval processes. Kaorfa is indeed under immense pressure, required to mend good spending behaviour & reduce reckless shopping. And as the result, this has risk of compromising integrity & will of disclosure towards his own parent, which has already shown, Kaorfa is silently purchasing assets and games in his same bedroom alone, often times away from his parent's supervisions. Kaorfa had once been caught, and threatened to have all giving money / uang jajan to be ceased permanently with no way to recover. You would not want to hear Kaorfa pleading about this, trust us.
  • Kaorfa has a niche job requirement and none of the job fits Kaorfa's laidback & sleep but still have money style, null, non existent. As the result, Kaorfa is fully relying on his mom's giving money to this day, and projected until her retirement.
  • Kaorfa's boring side job salary has been unstable & became unreliable, due to change of management at the company he works at. Now the salary has tremendously shrank significantly, and the transaction only done once in every multiple months, instead formerly every week more you diligent and lucky.
  • Kaorfa has been fed up with paywallism, proprietarism, & partialism. And has this sympathy towards his gamers. If Kaorfa feel roadblocked upon any of these, then he has feeling for other gamer's same set of challenges just to get there, and it's the reason Kaorfa has been long since, looking for ways, so that the gamers won't have to encounter the same roadblock as he did. If the product is untriable on some, it's not working there. If it somehow tried without being paid, that's because that nation could not understand the price, as when you think it's cheap, for them, it's like standard drinkable water is luxury. Trust us. begging like beggar is harder than to give.

Additionally, This checkpoint project, and others under our command have rules, all participant required to obey, in particular regarding assets and costs:

  • All assets must be obtained legitimately as it can.
  • All assets should this one paid, requires proof of transaction where Kaorfa commited towards beholding owner of the assets.
  • Should the proposed assets comes from sparsdat, Check previous point.
  • Assets that have met the legitimacy condition above, still cannot be included in the repository it sits to be. These files must be .gitignored to prevent provocation against the beholding owner of the assets
  • Should the assets are discontinued & gone 404, legitimacy rules voids & preservation now falls & engages at the discretion of the project managers.
  • Credits for assets as all as possible are required & irrevocable by any means. Even for Public Domain assets. At least, to attribute Sauce URL to each and every set of assets involved.

We also would like to apologize, as many of our member of this checkpoint project had uttered abundant amount of insults against the beholding owners when their assets are paid. This is because of this project policies in effect, that permit unfiltered & uneditorialized utterance from the member, in accordance with main protocol No. ???? stating Integrity & Honesty, where words are required to be seen by other gamers, without censorship, or worse turns manipulated / oppositely lying. This will not be fixed & request for such cover ups will not be accepted, due to above's policy. We apologize for your inconveniences.

Dippy's Unity Packages GONE 404 EXISTS

We are no longer able to find his Gumroad whatsoever. However worry not, because we have claimed those items before these disappearances. Further creation shall use these items yoinked or the reuploads. Only things we worry are the other files that may have not been claimed, who knows. We found it . Please refer to these files for more informations.

MilchZocker's Source codes

Following are GitHub repositories allegedly a CVR project:

Beach ball gone EXISTS gone

Pls find Rachus and contact Him/Her/Them. Ask for reupload on different place!

If you gamers had the .unitypacakge file, pls send to us, either directly or share the URL, send either or both promptly to Kaorfa at JOELwindows7 (Discord) under DM Prefix FILE_FOUND:CVR_BEACH_BALL.

Yey it back thancc cool and good awesome div by zero!

hmm it appears a customization script gone, so does in the game!

Death Timer

Contract Unavailable yet. Contract is draft.

Escalation into a contract is being discussed. When Wakturia deems it viable, it would be then escalated.

Reason = Unity next gen betrayals series 2023.; Toxic social condition surprisingly present here as well.


  • Unity Engine. Could be mass abandoned, in which usage population observably reduced down to less than 100K gamers
  • ChilloutVR. Could be ceased, due to that Unity's ever growing tactic of genocide. Could be a statement regarding inviability handling Unity's bad behaviours, even working around around older the latest Runtime-fee-free version ever activatable by creators & themselves, where it no longer works and must upgrade to Runtime Fee agenda enabled versions. In event of critical situation (which hopefully does not reach), ABI is suggested to restart everything from scratch with Godot (Neos Unreal & VRChat Unity & others already exists, but not Godot). Also, ABI is suggested not to abandon critical support due to a particular competitor whose used same Unity Engine, and ensured to add all suggested & requested last feature sets before going into apocalypse mode.
  • This. Following fate of ChilloutVR for its supporting status, and observing populations of userbase in common setting (normal & modded), not including post-apocalypse userbase (i.e. Overmodded Frankensteined already abandoned CVR).
  • Society. Social condition pertaining to the organic beings, excluding inorganic beings (such as sentient AI lifeform).


It has been rumored that extra factor of death are believed to be paid & private (proprietary, exclusive to certain people) assets. Each Assets you need to buy & never accessble are each nail in these coffins, one to Unity, twice to CVR. Perkedel states that these are our employees' opinion and we will observe whether or not that this opinion is convertible into facts, by opening opportunities such as Free just for Perkedel atleast (Give assets to Joel for $0 willingly), and evaluate if such encouragement would remove enough amount of nails in the coffin.

UPDATE: We are unable to determine its death timer, as we believe that ChilloutVR has no sign of degradation or sickness whatsoever. However, We do find that Unity indeed has been dying, due to their reckless acts. But for this one, This is simply too slow & therefore long due to abundant amount of users already trusted Unity. We can simply reduce the scope of overlooking up to only New Version which officially stated being the only one and forth that has Runtime Fee.
All and all, This project fortunately, can't be considered contract since that would be too long for an oathed job. Instead this will be considered... We have no name yet, but for now, it's Checkpoint.
Until CVR demise, This is our place to share our thoughts.

Current Checkpoints:


Below are available commissions. The status, name, and optional cost to get out of procrastinations

Ready to Inquire? Contact JOELwindows7, Discord. Use below DM prefix!


If your commission involves paid assets such as RCC & you have not paid this commission, it will cause extra prolonged procrastinations! Pls lah, bayar dong, gw jatuh miskin cuman buat beli nih ori.

(INACTIVE) Props 0/20, US$5 + assets_cost/Service


Port this 3D assets OR Pre-Propped GameObject contraption into CVR

(INACTIVE) Avatars 0/10, US$10 + assets_cost/Service


Port this avatar assets OR Pre-Avatared Armature into CVR

(INACTIVE) World 0/5, US$20 + assets_cost/Service


Port this Prefabbed Scene into CVR

(INACTIVE) Advertisement Billboard 0/10, US$70 / Image file

DM Prefix = PLS_CVR_AD

Put this image onto some quads. This image is my promotion for gamers to check out


  • All models will be included in the repo and will be shared.
  • Think 10 times before doing this commission
  • Sparsdat the Assets: NOT ACCEPTING YET, status may change one time.
    • NO = Sparsdated assets nor Paywalled assets to be sparsdated will be rejected
    • YES = Sparsdated assets and/or Paywalled assets to be sparsdated will be accepted like normal service
    • Protolocer Probability as of 2024 for span 2000-2100 = 99.999% towards NO. Note = Copyright Infringement is obvious mistake.
    • Goned assets will still be included as per Perkedel's Archive Policy.
  • Paywalled Assets: NOT ACCEPTED, No exclusive gift allowed, all gamers must be able to freely download. Insisting requires the source assets (especially .blend file) also to be shared both here & on Admiral Zumi's channel with full notes pointing to your name & the contract informations.
    • If you are upset about this rule, picked other commissioner & they are better than me, then the next contract will be $0. Do not lose the voucher.
    • If above regret contract is about the same asset, then you'll have another $0 voucher. FINALLY! You finally shared your sexy uwu latex avatar to all gamers, THANK YOU!! Like that.
    • above voucher won't always apply and approval is random chance. Do not try to abuse the system. I will see it.
  • Free, unpaid commission / request may have have long procrastinations. Engage unrefundable donation in how much to our Ko-fi to remove this procrastination, with message of case number. If you accidentally paid under, simply repay the rest, OR wait for little bit / partially boosted service to finish.
    • In random case, if I found the asset topic is being e.g. sought after, your contract may be instantly expedited free of charge.
    • And out of some, if this is critically sought after, it can even bypass INACTIVE status!! Who knows!
    • So if you are really sure that the 3D Model were sought after to be here in CVR, don't hesitate to consult with us (JOELwindows7, Discord), and we'll gladly review and discuss.
    • Note again, you shall not expect things would be done fast.
  • Advertisement image files will be disclosed in the Sprite folder.
  • Advertisement Life Span: POSITIVE_INFINITY.
    • Ads may not contains: Spam, Scam, Cyrptocurrency & NFTs (Except right clicked ones), Download Exclusive to join guild (Download file is okay if no need login), Paywalled & Subscription required files, Virus & Malwares, Pay to Win competitive advantages.
    • NSFW ads are allowed, but they will only appear in NSFW worlds. Please state if your ads are NSFW.
    • Please be honestful to all products contained to be promoted, as we have no time to see details. If e.g. we found there is exclusive download behind this join guild or worse Paywall & Subscriptions, your ad will be immediately removed by the next update. Gamers may report any promotion that violates our guidelines by contacting Kaorfa at JOELwindows7, Discord under DM Prefix REPORT_AD.
    • Some advertisement may be removed at discretion of Perkedel Technologies by the next update of our World.
    • If your product is critical to be promoted for all gamers to know such as ones that's Gratis, Open Source, & FULL VERSION, either some or better all (Priotizing Gratis), at discretion of Perkedel Technologies, you may be promoted automatically free of charge without having to contact us or anything. We will cover all the marketing materials for you if you don't have any.

Sauces Total


  • Some Sauce URLs may contain NSFW. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • All Sauces lists below have been moved to the new file.

Moved to


by JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
Our Assets = CC4.0-BY-SA
Our Codes = GNU GPL v3