Park-Me was written using the following:
- Ruby -v 2.3.1
- Rails -v
- PostgreSQL -v 0.15
- Google Maps API
- Google Geocoder API
- Twilio API via twilio-ruby gem -v 4.11.1
- Materialize SCSS via materialize-sass gem
- jQuery via the jquery-rails gem
- Rspec-rails gem
- Capybara & Capybara-webkit gems
- Factory Girl via the factory_girl_rails gem
- Geokit-rails to validate Parking Pass model
- Devise gem for user authentication
- Omniauth-facebook gem for user authentication
- JQuery-Rails
- Clone down the repository.
- Run 'bundle install' or 'bundle exec bundle install' to download the Gemfile.
- Run the following commands to setup the database:
- 'rake db:create'
- 'rake db:migrate'
- 'rake db:seed'
- Run 'rake' or 'rspec' to start the test suite.
- Run 'rails s' to start the server, and CTRL+C to stop the server.
- Visit localhost:3000 while the server is running.