A fairly basic Immediate mode GUI for godot similar to IMGUI. The standard godot nodes are too much of a pain when all you want is to mock up a basic ui, so I created this. I've tried to keep many of the function names similar to their node counterparts.
Just drop the IMGUI folder into your godot project. Requires Godot4 with .Net.
using Godot;
public partial class Testing : Node
enum Selection { A, B, C }
public override void _Ready()
bool toggle = default;
float some_value = default;
string some_text = default;
(int, double) tuple = default;
Selection selection = default;
// IMGUI window inherit's from the godot window node
// by default when you close the window it will free itself
// you can change that behaviour with OnClose()
var window = new IMGUI_Window();
// adds window to the current scene
// alternatively you can just call AddChild(window);
window.Title = "IMGUI Test";
// OnProcess is just a way to update the window every frame
// without having to override _Process()
// makes it easy to write fire and forget guis
// for instance when you push a button
window.OnProcess(() =>
// Draws a button, returns true when pressed
if (window.Button("Button"))
{ }
// Draws a label
// You can chain other IMGUI functions after label
// to make them a labelled version
if (window.Label("Label").Button("Button"))
{ }
// labels come with a couple other functions prefixed
// with set that lets you change some of it's properties
window.Label("My Label").SetColor(Colors.Cyan);
// functions that modify values will follow more or less the
// same pattern
// - have both an input and output value
// - returns true if the value was updated
// draws the godot LineEdit
if (window.TextEdit(some_text, out some_text))
{ }
// multi-line text edit
if (window.MultiLineTextEdit(some_text, out some_text))
{ }
// draws the godot spin box
if (window.SpinBox(some_value, out some_value))
{ }
// will draw a vertical separator, has a horizontal counterpart
// draws a godot HBoxContainter which you can then add components to
// there are various different container types but they all work basically the same
window.HBox(out var hbox);
// draws a check button
if (hbox.CheckButton(toggle, out toggle))
{ }
// draws a check box
if (hbox.CheckBox(toggle, out toggle))
{ }
// property will work on most data types
// only draws public fields with structs and classes
// output can be customized by implementing the IMGUI_PropertyDrawer
// interface on the target class
if (window.Property(tuple, out tuple))
{ }
// draws the godot option button
// when pressed a dropdown menu will show all possible selections
// when used with enums, will show all possible enums by default
if (window.Option(selection, out selection))
{ }
// draws tabs
// current only impleneted with enums, the other tabs will show all possible enums
if (window.Tabs(selection, out selection))
{ }