This Software was written in C#/XAML and Visual Studio using naudio 1.6.0
IMPORTANT: This Software is a test project to develop myself in programming. So there can be many things to simplificate.
- For testing Software use Visual Studio 2017 Community
- You need to write your XML Page with one or two test links and adjust your local path and XML orders in classes for running or take orders/xml tags from my classes
- Links must be .mp3 stream format
- Some classes are still in developing, ignore them
If u have a slow internet connection, set buffersize in class streaming_http x2 or higher, for this it can take a longer time until stream begins
Ver 1.0
- displaying actual MP3 title information implemented
- listening/showing all actually titles from saved stations implemented
- read functionality from XML implemented
- input and save of Stream link, homepage, name of link, genre and comment implemented
- double entries of links/names not possible
- doubleclick/play implemented