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Clinical Trial related calculation: descriptive statistics, power and sample size calculation, randomization.


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Clinical trial related calculation: descriptive statistics, power and sample size calculation, power simulations, confidence interval, pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics parameters calculation. This program comes with absolutely no warranty. No liability is accepted for any loss and risk to public health resulting from use of this software.

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The package is designed to perform calculations related to the planning and analysis of the results of clinical trials. The package includes the basic functions described below, as well as a few modules to perform specific calculations.

using Pkg; Pkg.add("ClinicalTrialUtilities");
  • Clinical trial sample size calculation
  • Power calculation
  • Confidence Intervals calculation
  • NCA Pharmacokinetics parameters calculation
  • Descriptive statistics and frequencies
  • Randomization


NB! Hypothesis types:

  • :ea - Equality: two-sided;
  • :ei - Equivalencens: two one-sided hypothesis (TOST);
  • :ns - Non-Inferiority / Superiority: one-sided hypothesis, for some cases you should use two-sided hypothesis for Non-Inferiority/Superiority, you can use alpha/2 for this;
#Sample size for one proportion equality
ctsamplen(param=:prop, type=:ea, group=:one, a=0.3, b=0.5)

#Equivalence for two means
ctsamplen(param=:mean, type=:ei, group=:two, diff=0.3, sd=1, a=0.3, b=0.5)

#Odd ratio non-inferiority
ctsamplen(param=:or, type=:ns, diff=-0.1, a=0.3, b=0.5, k=2)

#Odd ratio equality
ctsamplen(param=:or, type=:ea, a=0.3, b=0.5, k=2)

Bioequivalence sample size

besamplen(alpha=0.05,  theta1=0.8, theta2=1.25, theta0=0.95, cv=0.15, method=:owenq)
besamplen(cv=0.20, method=:nct)
besamplen(cv=0.347, design=:parallel)
besamplen(cv=0.347, design=:d2x2x4, method=:nct)


ctpower(param=:mean, type=:ea, group=:one, a=1.5, b=2, sd=1,n=32, alpha=0.05)

Bioequivalence power

#2x2 design, default method - OwensQ
bepower(alpha=0.05, logscale=true, theta1=0.8, theta2=1.25, theta0=0.95, cv=0.2, n=20, design=:d2x2, method=:owenq)

bepower(alpha=0.05, cv=0.2, n=20, design=:d2x2)

#Bioequivalence power for cv 14%, 21 subjects, default OwensQ method, logscale false
bepower(alpha=0.1, logscale=false, theta1=-0.1, theta2=0.1, theta0=0, cv=0.14, n=21)

#Bioequivalence power for cv 14%, 21 subjects, shifted method, logscale false
bepower(alpha=0.1, logscale=false, theta1=-0.1, theta2=0.1, theta0=0, cv=0.14, n=21, method=:shifted)

#Simple notations
bepower(cv=0.4, n=35, design=:d2x4x4)
bepower(cv=0.14, n=21)

Bioequivalence CV from CI

cvfromci(;alpha = 0.05, theta1 = 0.9, theta2 = 1.25, n=30, design=:d2x2x4)

Polled CV

data = DataFrame(cv = Float64[], df = Int[])
push!(data, (0.12, 12))
push!(data, (0.2, 20))
push!(data, (0.25, 30))
pooledcv(data; cv=:cv, df=:df, alpha=0.05, returncv=true)

pooledcv([0.12, 0.2, 0.25], [14, 22, 32], [:d2x2, :d2x2, :d2x2])

Confidence Intervals

using  ClinicalTrialUtilities
ci = propci(38, 100, alpha=0.05, method=:cp)

ci = orpropci(30, 100, 40, 90; alpha=0.05, method=:mn)

ci = diffpropci(30, 100, 40, 90; alpha=0.05, method=:wald)

ci = meanci(30, 10, 30, alpha = 0.05, method=:norm)


using CSV, DataFrames, ClinicalTrialUtilities
pkdatapath = joinpath(dirname(pathof(ClinicalTrialUtilities)))*"\\..\\test\\csv\\pkdata2.csv"
pkdata  = CSV.File(pkdatapath) |> DataFrame
pkds    = pkimport(pkdata, [:Subject, :Formulation]; time = :Time, conc = :Concentration)
pk      = nca!(pkds)
ncadf   = DataFrame(pk; unst = true)
ds      = ClinicalTrialUtilities.descriptive(ncadf, stats = [:n, :mean, :sd], sort = [:Formulation])
dsdf    = ClinicalTrialUtilities.DataFrame(ds; unst = true)


using DataFrames, ClinicalTrialUtilities
rt = ClinicalTrialUtilities.randomtable(;blocksize = 4, subject = 32, group = 2, ratio = [1,1], grseq = ["TR", "RT"], seed = 36434654652452)

Clinical Trial Utilities

Copyright © 2019 Vladimir Arnautov aka PharmCat (

If you want to check and get R code for power/sample size estimation, you can find examples here:


Clinical Trial related calculation: descriptive statistics, power and sample size calculation, randomization.




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