I wrote a short blog post that introduces this, please see https://www.sn1.se/posts/pokemon/
This repo is a bunch of tools used to abuse the link-cable buffer overflow vulnerability in the Pokemon Red (Gen1). The main script to use is gb_install_programs which first exploits the vulnerability to run code that allows us to read and write arbitrary memory addresses over the link cable. This is then used to add the 0x7A item to the players inventory. "Use" on 0x7A executes data within the Original-Trainer Name of the current pokemon in daycare. We overwrite this with code that jumps to the data stored in the first pokemon storage box. Instead of placing a real pokemon in the storage box, we place a program which lists other programs in subsequent boxes, and allows the user to run these.
Finally, to be able to save the state the script poisons all your pokemons. You walk around till all your mons die, then go to the box storage system and change box in order to save.
Now you can reset your game, load the save and use the 0x7a item!
Trading, just cancel
At this point, the exploit has already run and the players inventory has already been changed
Save by changing box, then reset the game
Looking at stored mons in boxes
Note that, to ensure that you don't break your Raspberry Pi, a 10kOhm resistor is recommended at the MISO pin (GB uses 5v output) Note that you should always use the Rpi as master, otherwise you may want to add a 10kOhm resistor to SCLK too (Always run script before talking to pokecenter lady). (I have been using this without any resistors, and my raspi isn't broken yet...)
| 6 4 2 |
\_5__3__1_/ (at cable)
Cable Pin Name Raspberry GPIO BusPirate Pins
2 Serial Out BCM 10 (MISO) MISO
3 Serial In BCM 9 (MOSI) MOSI
4 Serial Data N/A N/A
5 Serial Clock BCM 11(SCLK) CLK
6 GND Ground GND
Abuse the link cable to transfer and execute code in your pokemon blue/red(/yellow?) on gameboy classic. This is a bit unstable - you may need to restart your device to get a transfer working. Note that the code is made for python3
All scripts take a single argument. This argument specifies which backend to use
'pi' = Raspberry Pi SPI port
'bp' = Buspirate SPI
'no' = BGB emulator link
Simply trade a hm-slave Mew to your gameboy.
Uses the exploit described by vaguilar to add program pokemons to your current box. Your box must be empty, you need to have less than 20 items and the trainer name of any pokemon in daycare will be changed. This gives you the 0x7A item (Name is weird characters) which allows you to run "program pokemons" that are installed in your boxes.
After the exploit has run, abort the trade and walk around til your pokemons die. Then save the game by changing box.
Compiles a .asm file and tries to extract the relevant bytes from the result. These bytes can be used with modules/gbexploit.py or gb_install_programs.py Uses symbol files that are generated when compiling pokered. (you need to modify ASMLOC to match your location of pokered)
Parts that can be used to do stuff with pokemon/gameboy/spi
Assembly code of some programs that can be used with this stuff. Programs include red/main.asm to get access to non-global labels. Programs must start with the byte sequence "START" and end with the byte sequence "END" to make extraction with getbytes.py simple.
The 7A item is a item similar to 8F, except execution starts inside the original trainer name of the current daycare pokemon. (DA58). gb_install_program uses the OT name to jump to the first box pokemon - which is made to contain code that lists the boxed pokemons and execute code that they contain.