Scale: 4
Architecture: RealPLKSR with Dysample
Architecture Option: realplksr
Author: Philip Hofmann
License: CC-BY-0.4
Purpose: Restoration
Subject: Realistic
Input Type: Images
Release Date: 13.08.2024
Dataset: Nature
Dataset Size: 7'000
OTF (on the fly augmentations): No
Pretrained Model: 4xNomos2_realplksr_dysample
Iterations: 265'000
Batch Size: 8
Patch Size: 64
A Dysample RealPLKSR 4x upscaling model for photographs nature (animals, plants).
LR prepared with down_up, linear, cubic_mitchell, lanczos, gauss and box scaling with some gaussian blur and jpg compression down to 75 (as released with my dataset, the LRx4 folder).
Trained with dysample, ea2fpn, ema, eco, adan_sf, mssim, perceptual, color, luma, dists, ldl and ff (see config toml file).
Based on my Nature Dataset which is a curated version of the iNaturalist 2017 Dataset for the purpose of training single image super resolution models.
Use the 4xNature_realplksr_dysample.pth file for inference. Also provided is a static onnx conversion with 3 256 256. Config, state, and net_d files are additionally provided for trainers, to maybe create an improved version 2 of this model or to train a similiar model from this state.