Generate TypeScript enum and interface with proto buffer.
npm install -g tsbuf
tsbuf example/proto -o example/typescript/global
# or
tsbuf example/proto -o example/typescript/module -m module
See example/
$ tsbuf -h
Usage: tsbuf [options] <inputPath>
Generate TypeScript interface with Protobuf.
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output <output> output path (default: ".")
-m, --mode <mode> "global": Global Definition, "module": Module Definition (default: "global")
-h, --help output usage information
syntax = "proto3";
enum Fruit {
Apple = 0;
Banana = 1;
message Package {
string id = 1;
float price = 2;
Will be transformed to
declare enum Fruit {
Apple = 0,
Banana = 1,
interface Package {
id: string;
price: number;
Or TypeScript module
export enum Fruit {
Apple = 0,
Banana = 1,
export interface Package {
id: string;
price: number;
- Basic Support
- ExtendedType Field
- Cli
- Oneof Field
- Map Field
- Nested Type
- Generate Global Declaration
- Import (Generate Module)
- Other Options