Moved GUI data feeds to be a single URL with query strings
Moved all HTTP_GET handlers that return JSON to their own cpp file
Moved all HTTP Handlers for the web GUI to their own file.
Moved all HTTP files under a unified header
Moved all HTTP handlers for resetting counters to their own file.
Added a GUI data feed for status page
Moved all JSON handling functions to the DataToJson Namespaces
Moved HistorytoJson to its own file for sake of code length.
Moved all feeds to /guiFeed and renamed all to be consistent.
Changed Flash Layout on ESP12F to have a 3MB filesystem and 512K for OTA updates This update will format your flash and force you to reconfigure wifi.
Removed ESP32-Targz in favor of a python GUI uploader.
Renamed HTTPFile.cpp to HTTPHandleFile.cpp from a http://esparasite.local (Needs CORS Plugin) or a local json/ subdirectory with debug=1 or debug=2 enabled.
Split SensorsCore.cpp into multiple files for easier maintenance and future growth for alternate sensors.
Renamed ESParaSite_ files to remove prefix.
Added routine to allow remotely setting of the Real Time Clock to UTC currently performed alongside GUI upload.
UPLOADER - esps-uploader.py Created to load/update GUI onto ESParaSite
UPLOADER - added time setting function that sets the RTC to UTC
UPLOADER - made uploader a bit more verbose.
GUI - A kind gentleman, Peter Csaki has contributed some of his time to build the core of the GUI for us
GUI - Added Status Page to GUI showing the most critical information on one page.
GUI - Added Diagnostics Page to the GUI which shows all information we know about the printer.
GUI - will now be uploaded/installed/updated via an external Python script.
GUI - Added File listing and FS Info to Diagnostics page.
GUI - Added debug options to GUI .js pages. Pages can either pull
GUI - Removed code in home.js that converted time to UTC.
GUI - Renamed logo file to logo.png
GUI - added function to trim floats down to 2 decimal places
GUI - removed WiFi navigation link
GUI - removed Individual JSON feed navigation links
GUI - swapped Chamber Humidity with Screen Temperature in Chart