Source code for my personnal website where I am sharing my personnal projects. This website is 100% static and updated on a regular basis. I am also using my personnal website to learn more about SEO and search engine related topics and improve my web design skills.
- Production website (Google Cloud Storage):
- Staging website (Github Pages):
Detailed changes for each merged pull requests are documented in the
- Fix some broken links for some of my projects
- Fix navbar toggle for the mobiel version
- Use Terraform for infra (GCS bucket)
- Refactor public html code:
- Review naming for classes
- Only use classes rather than a mix of classes + IDs
- Build a small shell script to merge multiple HTML files into a single file (in order to split to large index.html in multiple files during development)
- Missing documentation for some JavaScript functions
- Find a html, css and js linter
- Refactor css code especially for reusability