This library is based on PHPStan to detect calls to specific functions you don't want in your project. For instance, you can add it in your CI process to make sure there is no debug/non standard code (like var_dump, exit, ...).
To use this extension, require it using Composer:
composer require --dev ekino/phpstan-banned-code
When you use you are done.
If not, include extension.neon
in your project's PHPStan config:
- vendor/ekino/phpstan-banned-code/extension.neon
You can configure this library with parameters:
# enable detection of echo
type: Stmt_Echo
functions: null
# enable detection of eval
type: Expr_Eval
functions: null
# enable detection of die/exit
type: Expr_Exit
functions: null
# enable detection of a set of functions
type: Expr_FuncCall
- dd
- debug_backtrace
- dump
- exec
- passthru
- phpinfo
- print_r
- proc_open
- shell_exec
- system
- var_dump
# enable detection of `use Tests\Foo\Bar` in a non-test file
use_from_tests: true
is the returned value of a node, see the method getType()